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MBV - HOW TO run only some specific queries in the Console version of MBV : BTSDBCOLLECT.EXE


Following a recent discussion I had with a US colleague about that, I would like to share with you below the few steps to follow to be able to run only some specific queries in the Console version of MBV - BTSDBCOLLECT.EXE.

As you maybe already know it :

- BtsDbCollect.exe will execute by default – w/o arguments - all important queries + most of the optional ones

- BtsDbCollect.exe /ALL will execute ALL queries

Now, if you want BtsDbCollect to run only a subset of queries, follow these steps :

1) Run the GUI version of MBV - MsgBoxViewer.exe – and select only the queries you want in the interface.
You can even unselect some important queries - previously named “Mandatory“ - : set the global option “Can Unselect some important queries” to “True” and then unselect the important queries you want via the checkboxes - see my mail below for more details on this new feature.

2) Close the tool

3) copy the resulting file “MBVSettings.xml” in the same folder than BtsDbCollect.exe

4) If needed, change this settings file the 3 properties specifying the correct path for the output files, ex:


6) And that’s it ! Each time you will execute BtsDbcollect.exe, it will use this Settings XML file and so will execute only the queries you chose before


Let me know if you have any questions

