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Offloading Excel Workbooks to Clusters


Make a workbook calculation in a distributed environment.. Windows HP Server make it possible. Here are the different
project type you can build on Excel 2010:

- Workbook with VBA code: the code will be modified to work on compute nodes
- UDF : C/C+ XLL are user defined functions loaded on compute nodes and merged in a single workbook.
- VSTO application. An Excel Add-In will comunicate with a head node and broker. The broker will call a WCF Web Service on each compute node.

To make an Excel 2010 workbook work on HPC Server, you may follow these steps:

1/ Identify the portion of your code corresponding to an iteration
2/ Localize the code that make he merge of your data
3/ Find the best approach to get the input and the output data

Here is an architecture of the solution:


Go to the following links to have more information:

Basic information

TechNet Virtual Lab: Scaling out VBA enabled Excel Workbooks with Windows HPC Server 2008 R2

TechNet Virtual Lab: Scheduling Jobs with Windows HPC Server 2008 R2

HPC Pack 2008 R2 SDK with Service Pack 1