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Review of FranklinCovey's PlanPlus

“Everybody gets so much information all day long that they lose their common sense.”
Gertrude Stein.

PlanPlusOne of my resolutions this year was to get some help in sipping from the information firehose that is a typical Microsoft inbox, so back in January I bought a copy of PlanPlus. This is an Outlook add-in from FranklinCovey, and follows the same principles as their successful FranklinQuest series of paper-based planners - prioritized tasklists, daily view, the whole deal. It also has some nice touches such as daily quotations (see above).

Then in the months that followed it seemed like every other Microsoft blog started mentioning the competing "Getting Things Done" system from David Allen: first Scoble (who also persuaded David to start his blog!), followed by Omar Shahine, then John Porcaro, and finally LauraJ. Rock Hymas summed up the differences between the two systems as follows:

"David Allen's Getting Things Done and the FranklinQuest system come from fundamentally different paradigms. Both systems are looking at tasks as actionable items. However, FranklinQuest values the "What should I do today?" view and David Allen values the "What should I do here?" view.

And I've decided that PlanPlus is not for me. I can mostly work around the fit-and-finish issues: the preview pane that downloads all linked images in emails, the home-page calendar view that gets out of sync with its buttons, and the changes to daily notes that spontaneously undo themselves. No, the real reason that I've decided to uninstall PlanPlus is very simple but very compelling - it doesn't work with any other Outlook add-ins. All those cool search tools, such as LookOut? Sorry, can't use them. Send-to-OneNote? Nope, doesn't work. This is what you'll get:

Unable to load PlanPlus Home: Unable to cast object of type System.__ComObject to type Outlook.ApplicationClass

This isn't a new bug - it's been noted on the LookOut forums, and FranklinCovey's tech support admitted it was a known problem back in June. I pointed them to Omar Shahine's article about how "Programming for Outlook using managed code is hard" and offered further help, but heard nothing more. Sorry guys, but this customer isn't waiting around any longer. I'm off to give my money to your competitors instead. Oh, and take a look at Eric Carter's blog - the add-in shimming wizard should mean that programming for Outlook using managed code isn't hard any longer…

“Everyone spoke of an information overload, but what there was in fact was a non-information overload.”
Richard Saul Wurman.


  • Anonymous
    October 11, 2004
    I forgot another PlanPlus problem that showed up after installing XP SP2 and Office SP1. If I used PlanPlus, Outlook would throw a Dr Watson exception (i.e. ask to report an error to Microsoft) when exiting. I've probably uploaded 50 of the things by now :)

  • Anonymous
    October 13, 2004

    I actually wrote my own GettingThingsDone outlook toolbar if you want to try it.


  • Anonymous
    February 28, 2006
    Thanks for the insights.  I was about to spend a hundred bucks on something that probably wasn't going to meet my needs.  Thought I'd research it first ... glad I did.

  • Anonymous
    March 10, 2006
    Thank you for your post.  I had nought it, installed it, then uninstalled it when having sync. issues; I would think that- by now- they would program out those errors!

    I was re-looking at re-purchasing it, but was wondering if those issues still existed; they do- apparently- from your BLOG post.

    Thank you for saving me time and aggravation :)

    Aflac Sales Coordinator (Southern California)

  • Anonymous
    March 10, 2006
    Hi Alex - My experience was back in 2004. Who knows, they may have fixed it by now :)

  • Anonymous
    April 12, 2006
    message sent to franklincovey technicalsupport
    yesterday no reply as yet.12-April-2006

    Dear Joshua,

    To copy everything out of plan plus's apps, is a mamouth task the way you suggest, I have the outlook .pst file backed up and i'd prefer to re-install using that file and creating a new .pst profile  then rename after deletion of the data if the detect and repair tool deletes it.

    You reminded me of another issue with Outlook Plan plus, the projects folder enters the data onto the task list [where it's not wanted]  I havent got into that bit deeply yet, as i didn't like what it did when migrating from Schedule Plus. and I manually copied and pasted 1500 tasks into 110 projects. All the data is still there. [Also private checked folders or tasks are unchecked upon an import under data file management/file import/export in Outlook]

    Obviously this is an issue too, because its not desirable to have all the projects showing on the task list in Outlook, because the're 'Projects' and need to be seperated within a Project, under Parent/child tasks from there they can then be bought onto the Goals page, But that is an issue too, the goals page does not allow the user to collate the goals from within thier respective roles unless you create them. However when you create the Roles in the goals page to gain Order over the goals and to associate the roles which drive/govern them, you aren't able to use the parent child task feature as its not built into or activated in the goals page.

    This means if one enters a goal it has to be as a Intermeadiate step because the roles have now taken the position of a Goal in the [Goals Page] Now you need to enter tasks for the gaols but you can't make them intermeadiate steps because the option has been used already.

    The project parent child task feature is needed in the goals page. And also all the goals are deleted when you re-install anyway. The goals which I changed to represent roles are kept but the Intermeadiate steps are deleted, so I haven't used the goals feature for a while as I lost them on installing a few times ago.

     Which is why I contacted you chaps for a fix because I'd been using the compass to act as a roles & goals page


    1] it shows all the roles they don't change often,

    2] the goals can stay in their roles and roll over where I see them weekly and can assign them to a day and then an activity within that day, except it only works if the roles and their goals, roll over. Intrestingly the roles roll over each week.

    I'm currently using an excel spread sheet for the roles and goals and missions are kept in word docs, and I'm learning Microsoft project 2003 to see if it will provide a solution and allow me to apply the Seven habits process from within there.

    I did try the fix you suggest having read it on the help index somewhere, but it didn't work.

    Thanks for your help anyway maybe the boffins need to take a look at it and provide a fix.

    Kind regards

  • Anonymous
    April 12, 2006
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    May 12, 2006
    I just purchased PlanPlus v5.0 for XP for my new Palm TX.  I had so many problems getting it to sync correctly that I am uninstalling the product.  I have lost my $50 and I am not happy with FranklinCovey.

    I had the FranklinCovey Tech Support people help me (they are helpful)  Nevertheless, I must have spent 24 hours following their instruction to install, uninstall, re-install, sync, re-sync and so on.  

    I would NOT recommend the PPW5 product to anyone.  I felt sorry for their tech team; the product is terrible (assuming you want it to work with your handheld).

    I purchased the PlanPlus v5.0 for XP and did not try to sync with Outlook.

    The FranklinCovey technical support webpages are pathetic.  Go directly to conduct a chat session with the Tech Staff.  You will get an answer there.

  • Anonymous
    July 24, 2006
    Leon, I'll take your PlanPlus v5 off your hands and reimburse you.  Leave a msg with your contact info so I can talk to ya.

  • Anonymous
    September 01, 2006
    Hello: first of all, sorry for my poor english.
    I'm searching for a program like the PPv5 (but without problems like Leon said), that have a good interfase Palm-PC.  Is there anybody who knows about one? Regards and thanks, E.

  • Anonymous
    September 03, 2006
    Two things:

    I am confused about the difference of PlanPlus for Outlook and Plan plus for XP as an "upgrade".  

    I have Plan Plus for Outlook and find it cluncky slow.  The wizards do not save the input after an hour of planning your life.  Their tech support said it is a known glitch but no remedy.  Any remedies out there?

  • Anonymous
    September 17, 2006
    Lynne - I believe the difference is that PlanPlus for XP is a standalone tool, whereas PlanPlus for Outlook is an addon.

    I hear you on the clunkiness, though. I have few regrets about ditching PlanPlus...

  • Anonymous
    October 06, 2006
    I downloaded the demo and spent most of the day trying to get it to work reliably with Outlook 2003. 1) It blows my folders out often - making me quit and restart outlook. 2) Also the task status indicators don't sync reliably.3) It corrupted outlook once where I had to rebuild it.4) I reinstalled in 3x.It just is too flaky to use and rely on - I am REALLY dissapointed becuase I like the FranklinCovey System a LOT. I tried this SW a few years ago and it was flaky then - I can't beleive it still is. I bough a palm PC and the Pocket Informant Side is terrific - unfortunately if you want the full frankin support you must use the franklin Sw on the PC side.

  • Anonymous
    October 24, 2006
    I just purchased the PP 4.0 and it is still as buggy as ever.  I am so disgusted with this company and product.  FOr any problem the tech support has you uninstall and reinstall many times.  This is so ludicrous.  I want my money back.

  • Anonymous
    October 24, 2006
    Does anyone know of a system similar to PlanPlus?  I am having a lot of speed issues with my demo copy but really like some of the features and would love to research some other options. Thanks!

  • Anonymous
    November 01, 2006
    I also lost $50 on an upgrade to PlanPlus for Outlook 4.0.  I was successfully using 3 but 4.0 Home Page is soooooooo slow and when dragging an email to task, it no longer saves the email text as a note in the task.  FC first told me to reinstall which I did several times, then told me this was a 'feature' and gave me instructions for attaching the email to the task. I have now uninstalled it.  I have gone back to just plain old Outlook.  May go back to 3 but I liked Pocket Informant on my iPAQ. I would not recommend buying this.

  • Anonymous
    January 03, 2007
    What with the new year, I was about to plunk down some bucks to see if Franklin Covey had fixed their software since the days when I used it.  Every time I stopped using it, the cause was the bugs.  (My latest versions are Franklin Planner software Ver 7.1  1999, and Franklin Planner for Microsoft Outlook.  Also 1999)  Thank you for letting me know that it is still the same (or at least similar) bugs.  I will go check for info on the competition that you mentioned above.

  • Anonymous
    January 04, 2007
    Disappointing. I'd like to use this product again - had it years ago. I was planning on PlanPlus 4 and Outlook 2003 - looks like it doesn't work. Lots of bad reviews on Amazon too from those that insisted on trying it. For now - it will be the simple Outlook task lists. Alternative is to run my life with MS Project - an interesting exercise I suppose.  

  • Anonymous
    January 16, 2007
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    February 06, 2007
    For those of you struggling with FC's PlanPlus products, try Achieve Planner (  You will definitely be glad you did! Calvin

  • Anonymous
    February 06, 2007
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    February 07, 2007
    I've been using Franklin Covey software since 2001 and their paper system for seven years prior to that so I would be considered a loyal fan of the system but after suffering serious data loss, productivity stand-stills and consistent pc crashes (on a powerful laptop) after upgrading to Franklin Covey Plan Plus for Outlook V.4 - I've decided to search for another planning and productivity solution that actually works. For those interested in a handheld planning system I've found Pocket Informant 2007 and I've been happy with its functionality. Now I just need to find a desktop planning tool to replace the Franklin Covey PPO Version 4.0. Any suggestions?

  • Anonymous
    February 27, 2007
    Hi.  I find the comments on PP for Outlook interesting.  I must say that's it does tend to slow down outlook.  I can't seem to see a preview of my email in planplus home. I should be able to see the email on my right but it's simply not appearing.  I need to switch to outlook inbox to view it.  I'm using office 2003.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • Anonymous
    March 21, 2007
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    May 22, 2007
    The customer support policies at FC are not customer friendly.  I own a copy of PPOv.3, had good luck using it with OutlookPro2003 for about a year.  Recently it stopped working, CSR at FC say that a security update to Outlook causes PPOv3 to loose functionality.  CSR says I need to purchase the upgrade to v.4.  They provided no other solution.  Wow! DO NOT BUY IT!

  • Anonymous
    May 24, 2007
    I'm having the usual problems with PP for Outlook and I really don't like Pocket Informant.  On my Pocket PC, the font is so tiny that I need a magnifying glass to read things.  It is way too busy of a program and I don't really like it, despite what many people seem to think.  Is there something I'm missing about that program?