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Jonathan Almquist on Operations Manager

Resolve all open alerts, by Alert Name

Resolve all open alerts, by Alert Name get-alert | where {$_.Name -eq "alert_name" -AND...

Author: Jonathan Almquist Date: 03/19/2009

Resolve all open alerts in date range

Resolve all open alerts in date range get-alert | where {$_.TimeRaised.ToLocalTime().date -ge...

Author: Jonathan Almquist Date: 03/19/2009

Top 10 REPEATING alerts (not closed)

Top 10 REPEATING alerts (not closed) get-alert | where {$.RepeatCount -gt 0 -AND $.resolutionState...

Author: Jonathan Almquist Date: 03/19/2009

10 most recent CRITICAL alerts (not closed)

10 most recent CRITICAL alerts (not closed) get-alert | where {$_.severity -eq "error"...

Author: Jonathan Almquist Date: 03/19/2009

Top 10 alerts

Top 10 alerts get-alert | Group-Object Name | Sort-object Count -desc | select-Object -first 10...

Author: Jonathan Almquist Date: 03/19/2009

Count all alerts, group by date

Count all alerts, group by date $array = @();foreach ($date in Get-Alert | foreach-object...

Author: Jonathan Almquist Date: 03/19/2009

Count alerts raised in specific date range

Count alerts raised in date range get-alert | where {$_.TimeRaised.ToLocalTime().date -ge...

Author: Jonathan Almquist Date: 03/19/2009

Count alerts raised on specific date

Count alerts raised on specific date get-alert | where {$_.TimeRaised.ToLocalTime().date -eq...

Author: Jonathan Almquist Date: 03/19/2009

Closed alerts count

Closed alert count get-alert -criteria "ResolutionState = 255" | measure-object main menu

Author: Jonathan Almquist Date: 03/19/2009

Count alerts that are not NEW or CLOSED

Open alert count (all resolution states, except new and closed) $states = 2..254;get-alert | where...

Author: Jonathan Almquist Date: 03/19/2009

New alerts count

New alert count get-alert -criteria "ResolutionState = 0" | measure-object main menu

Author: Jonathan Almquist Date: 03/19/2009

Resolve UIGeneratedMonitor to a Monitor Name

Resolve UIGeneratedMonitor to a Monitor Name get-monitor | where {$ -eq...

Author: Jonathan Almquist Date: 03/19/2009

Returns Management Pack which contains specific Monitor

Which Management Pack contains this Monitor? (get-monitor | where {$_.displayname -eq...

Author: Jonathan Almquist Date: 03/19/2009

Resolve UIGeneratedRule to a Rule Name

Resolve UIGeneratedRule to a Rule Name get-rule | where {$ -eq "UIGeneratedRule"} |...

Author: Jonathan Almquist Date: 03/19/2009

Find performance collection rule for specific Object, Counter or Instance

Find collection rule that is writing specific performance object to the database Foreach ($rule in...

Author: Jonathan Almquist Date: 03/19/2009

Returns the Management Pack which contains specific rule

Returns the Management Pack which contains specific rule. (get-rule | where {$_.displayname -eq...

Author: Jonathan Almquist Date: 03/19/2009

Group members

Get group members and contained instance state, by group name foreach ($group in...

Author: Jonathan Almquist Date: 03/19/2009

Agent state

Get agent state (Windows Computer Instance) get-agent | where {$_.computername -eq...

Author: Jonathan Almquist Date: 03/19/2009

Discover and install agent

$query = New-LdapQueryDiscoveryCriteria -domain domain -ldapquery...

Author: Jonathan Almquist Date: 03/19/2009

Approve Manual Installations and Updates

Approve Manual Installation for single agent Get-AgentPendingAction | where {$_.AgentName –match...

Author: Jonathan Almquist Date: 03/19/2009

Is alert grooming working?

Evaluate whether alert grooming is working.  No result is good....

Author: Jonathan Almquist Date: 03/19/2009

Find collection rule for specific Event Id

Beware of word wrap. foreach ($rule in get-rule | where {$_.category -eq...

Author: Jonathan Almquist Date: 03/19/2009

Performance Reports – The easy way

UPDATE In SCOM R2, performance reports are much easier to run.  This article describes how to...

Author: Jonathan Almquist Date: 02/20/2009

Monitoring SCCM running on 64-bit Operating System

UPDATE We can monitor SCCM SP2 running on x64 now with the latest SCCM MP found here. Excerpt from...

Author: Jonathan Almquist Date: 02/18/2009

Submitting useful Property Bag items for Alert Description

In a previous post, I gave an example of how to submit useful information, by means of a Property...

Author: Jonathan Almquist Date: 02/08/2009

Submitting useful Property Bag items for Health Explorer State Change Events

It’s been a while since my last post.  There has been a lot going on, and just haven’t had time...

Author: Jonathan Almquist Date: 02/08/2009

Alert Grooming - is it working or not?

I've run across a couple instances where it appeared that alerts were not being groomed from the...

Author: Jonathan Almquist Date: 11/25/2008

MOM 2005 - Remove Reporting Component

Did you uninstall MOM Reporting?  Did OnePoint grooming cease after uninstalling...

Author: Jonathan Almquist Date: 11/22/2008

Operations Manager 2007 Command Shell

I hope this can serve the Operations Manager community as a good source for finding working examples...

Author: Jonathan Almquist Date: 11/17/2008

Agent Proxy Alert

Surely, by now we are all familiar with this alert. Agent proxying needs to be enabled for a health...

Author: Jonathan Almquist Date: 11/14/2008

Monitor Default Management Pack

It seems almost inevitable that the Default Management Pack will become cluttered in time. ...

Author: Jonathan Almquist Date: 11/12/2008


This example demonstrates the Operations Manager Command Shell Get-MonitoringClass cmdlet, using the...

Author: Jonathan Almquist Date: 11/01/2008


Before I dive into the mechanics of removing discovered inventory, I want to attempt a quick...

Author: Jonathan Almquist Date: 09/14/2008

Seal a Management Pack

Sealing a Management Pack is easy. Although, it can be frustrating the first time through. It's a...

Author: Jonathan Almquist Date: 08/19/2008

Collecting Agent Performance Counters

Let's say you have an agent Health Service that has been restarting for some reason.  One thing...

Author: Jonathan Almquist Date: 08/18/2008

Schedule Report - Delivery Method - No Email Option

I can see this as being a common setting to overlook, so thought I would write a quick blog on it....

Author: Jonathan Almquist Date: 08/14/2008

Operations Manager 2007 SPN's

There's a lot of confusion about SPN's (service principal name) when it comes to OpsMgr. How are...

Author: Jonathan Almquist Date: 08/13/2008

OleDB: Results Error

If you open the properties of this alert rule, you'll see that the configuration data source scans...

Author: Jonathan Almquist Date: 07/29/2008

Performance Module could not find a performance counter

UPDATE: This has been fixed in a recent hotfix (951979).  This also fixes a number of other...

Author: Jonathan Almquist Date: 07/29/2008

MOM 2005 - Close all alerts raised before (date)

Copy this script into a .vbs file.  Edit line 15 (objAlert.TimeRaised =...

Author: Jonathan Almquist Date: 04/03/2008

Scheduled Reports - Email address not valid

If you have created a scheduled report to send to an email recipient outside of your organization,...

Author: Jonathan Almquist Date: 04/01/2008

Install Reporting in SP1 Management Group

There are some roadblocks if you choose to install Reporting after your Management Group has already...

Author: Jonathan Almquist Date: 03/31/2008

Change Agent Action Account Password (MOM 2005)

You can follow these steps to change/update the credentials used for a single agent or group of...

Author: Jonathan Almquist Date: 03/26/2008

Import User Roles (powershell)

PowerShell script to import User Roles.  Copy and save code to file with .ps1 extension. ...

Author: Jonathan Almquist Date: 03/23/2008

Export User Roles to file (powershell)

PowerShell script to write all User Roles to a text file.  Copy and save code to file with .ps1...

Author: Jonathan Almquist Date: 03/20/2008

AdtServer Event ID 4618 - Logon Failed

So, you installed Audit Collection Services (ACS) and the collector isn't able to connect to the...

Author: Jonathan Almquist Date: 03/13/2008

SDK SPN Not Registered

Attention: Please also read my other post about Operations Manager 2007 SPN’s to gain a full...

Author: Jonathan Almquist Date: 03/12/2008

Audit Collection Services (ACS) grooming not working

If you suspect that grooming of your ACS database is not taking place, run the following query to...

Author: Jonathan Almquist Date: 03/05/2008

MOM 2005 - Resolve all alerts generated by specific rule

Copy this script into a .vbs file.  Edit line 15 (objAlert.Name = "ALERT NAME HERE")...

Author: Jonathan Almquist Date: 03/05/2008

System Center Operations Manager 2007 - KB Articles

941307 - A health monitor may display state changes in an incorrect order in System Center...

Author: Jonathan Almquist Date: 03/03/2008

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