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Singleton Windows Form example for Office Developers

Every now and then, a request comes through the forums or ng's about how to code an application so that only one instance of a form class can be created. There are variations on the theme, but it all comes down to what we call a singleton design.

Here's a full example in C# confirming that there can be (thankfully) only one of me. You can replace your name for mine and then it can truthfully be said, "they broke the mold" when they made you:

namespace WindowsApplication3


    public partial class Form1 : Form


        public Form1()


            JohnRDurant john1 = JohnRDurant.GetInstance();



  class JohnRDurant


    private static JohnRDurant johnInstance;


    protected JohnRDurant()



    public static JohnRDurant GetInstance()


      if (johnInstance == null)


        johnInstance = new JohnRDurant();


      return johnInstance;




Wikipedia has examples, but they are only in C++ and java. Hopefully, my little contribution will help.

Rock Thought for the Day: Sound Garden's "Blow up the Outside World" still sounds fresh and engaging nearly ten years after it was released. So much of what was going on in the very late 80s and through the mid-90s had to do with bands fully building on the rock of the 70s. They took the best of the psychedelic and prog rock and recast it in a context that presciently bridged forward to our current era of malaise. There is something centering in dissonant chords.
