What an odd "printer" bug
For some reason, I had this captured in my Unfiled Notes section:
On a side note, the most classic "printer" bug I ever have heard is this one: when a player eats a ghost in a PacMan type clone game for the TRS-80 Color Computer, his printer would print a line of garbage:
https://cocomag.dyndns.org/TheRainbow/830207/large/830207-007.jpg (top middle)
(Here's the actual snippet from the letters to the editor):
The only background I have on this is:
1. "The Rainbow" was a magazine for the TRS-80 Color Computer. I had one of those (still do, actually) and it was a lot of fun.
2. What an odd bug - eating a ghost in a Pac Man clone caused the printer to print? Weird. Probably understandable, though - I'm sure some data got written to the memory location that controlled the printer.
3. This was from 1983. Printer bugs have been around quite a while.
4. Some folks are trying to get all these old magazines scanned and OCRed correctly. I've been helping on and off with this project, so that explains where I saw this.
Anyway, I don't remember copying this, or why, but figured I would share. It's obviously testing related, at least.
See you all in a couple of weeks. I'm taking off for a vacation!
Questions, comments, concerns and criticisms always welcome,
July 22, 2010
There is a more readable image here: cocomag.dyndns.orgl/.../830207-007.830207-005-toc-1.cktct-art-4.jpgAnonymous
July 22, 2010
Hi Tim, That link appears to be broken?Anonymous
July 23, 2010
Oops, typo: cocomag.dyndns.org/.../830207-007.830207-005-toc-1.cktct-art-4.jpg