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When will the MSMQ-MQSeries Bridge be supported on Windows 2008?

[[Update 24th November 2008. There will be no BizTalk Server 2006 R3. It will instead be known as BizTalk Server 2009]]  

[[Update 8th January 2009. Host Integration Server 2009 will be released with BizTalk Server 2009; Host Integration Server 2006 sp1 will come out at least several weeks after then. This is to ensure service-packed HIS2006 machines are fully beta tested interacting with HIS2009 installations before the service pack is put on general release.]]

This is a Russian Doll sort of question as the answer poses another question and so on.

Q1    When will the MSMQ-MQSeries Bridge be supported on Windows 2008?
A1    When Host Integration Server 2006 service pack 1 is released

Q2    So when is the service pack released?
A2    When BizTalk Server 2006 R3 is released

Q3    And when BizTalk Server 2006 R3 is released?
A3    Some time next year (2009)

Q4    Could you be more precise than that?
A4    No. Move along please. Nothing to see here.


Note - this only applies to the MSMQ-MQSeries Bridge that comes with HIS2006; there are no plans to support HIS2004 on Windows 2008 or Vista.