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I'm leaving Microsoft UK, but joining...

In many ways, yesterday was a sad day as I resigned from Microsoft UK after 18 months or so, having decided to take a change in career direction. I'll still be around Microsoft UK for about a month though. However, it certainly wasn't just a sad day, it was one very happy day too.

Many of you know my passion and interest in Virtualisation and it's this making me move on. Early this year, I accepted a job in Microsoft Corporate over in Seattle, WA. As you can imagine, sorting out the visa and relocation isn't trivial and it's taken weeks to finalise everything. So the good news is, I'm not leaving Microsoft entirely, just transferring subsidiaries. My blog will still be active, but simply not as active as it has been over the past year as I'm going to be focusing very much on a single technology (at work at least - the home IT overkill is very much there to stay!)

The new role is Program Manager, working alongside many very talented people including, most visibly externally, the likes of Ben, in the Windows Virtualisation team - part of the Windows Core Operating System Division, working on virtualisation support within Windows Server Codename "Longhorn" and beyond. This is such a great time to be involved right in the heart of a hugely significant technology and a challenge I'm immensely looking forward to. I'll provide more details on the areas I'm going to be working on in a few weeks.

I think along the way, for myself, my wife and my children, there'll be some challenges when we're moving 5,000 miles to another continent. Obviously, there's driving on the other side, the petrol (gas) thing seems a little wierd, spellings (Virtualisation vs. Virtualization being a prime example even if I still don't get why Hypervisor isn't spelt Hypervizor state-side), the fact that it's nigh on impossible to get my staple weekend diet - a decent "British-hot" Vindaloo curry complete with a decent Belgian beer brewed in Brentford or where-ever it is in the UK, remembering to press "1" in the lift (sorry, elevator) if you want to get to the ground floor (sorry lobby) of a hotel. I guess I'm going to miss lots of things too - British TV, roundabouts, lollypop men (people to be PC), a decent cup of tea and plugs with fuses, just for starters. However, my favourite (doh, favorite) difference has to be one which tickled my youngest - the fact that you wear your pants on the outside in America. And I though that was the preserve of superheros! (For the benefits of anyone state-side reading this who aren't aware, pants=underwear and trousers=pants in England.) There lots more useful info to translate between en-us and en-gb here.

You have a nice day now!


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    I saw on Ben Armstron's blog, some more of the Microsoft Virtualization guys Michael and Mike are starting...
  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    February 22, 2006
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    February 22, 2006
    Bets of luck John, and I hope you do manage to update your Blog occasionally as without a shadow of a doubt is my favourite Blog on the net and the most useful!!
  • Anonymous
    February 22, 2006
    Well done, good luck and thanks. I've learnt a lot from you both at TechNEt events and from this blog. Once again - thanks
  • Anonymous
    February 22, 2006
    Good luck John, and I hope you keep blogging!
  • Anonymous
    February 22, 2006
    Way to go, John!  And welcome to the good 'ol US of A.  I'm sure it will be a hoot working with BenArm and the team.  Look forward to chatting with you during MVP events and at TechEd USA. --Jeff
  • Anonymous
    February 22, 2006
    Congratulations John!  I think you are definately the right person for the task -- and it will be great to have someone else in the world who spells Virtualisation with a 'S'   :)
  • Anonymous
    February 23, 2006
    Good Luck to you and your family, but MS Seattle better give you time to blog.  They should actually pay because this blog easily teaches others better than their documentations or even 1.5 hours of online training.  People learn in 5-10 minutes here!

    Also, you going over the Virtualization team must mean business in the group.  VMWare still rules there...for now.
  • Anonymous
    February 23, 2006
    Welcome to the PNW (Pacific NorthWest). You will probably like it here, as the hardest thing to adjust to is the weather, and you have experience with multiple shades of gray already. And we may not do tea but we do coffee pretty well, and the local beer is pretty good, too. Anyway, good luck with the transition. I'm sure it'll be exciting...
  • Anonymous
    February 23, 2006
    Hi John,

    congrats from me too.

    I´m very sorry that we lost such a great TechNet guy from europe. ...;-)

    Progam Manager ...that´s cool hoping to here from you perhaps  @channel9. Please keep on blogging about virtualization. We need people like you. Getting the information we really want about Virtual Server not the marketing stuff!

    Wish you the best ... hope you have a good start in USA.

    BTW: Are you now a coworker of the guys here in the Channel9 Video:

    Going Deep: Virtualization

    If you meet these guys, tell them that they´re really cool ...
    The show is cool, and the plans for future releases of MSFT Virtualization ...

    Regards Philipp
  • Anonymous
    February 23, 2006
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    February 23, 2006
    Best of luck stateside John, yours have been some of the most informative, informed and enjoyable presentations I've seen in the past year or so.  Keep up with the blog!
  • Anonymous
    February 24, 2006
     We are having a roundabout installed for you in the new campus redevelopment (near 33):


  • Anonymous
    February 26, 2006
    John, all the best for your move! I'm sure, we'll still meet although you'll be further away. For the time being, try to find some time to keep on your great blogging!
  • Anonymous
    March 10, 2006
    Good Luck John! Now all you have to do is get Eileen to join you!