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I'm back.... More on Virtual Server 2005

Well I'm over in the USA now having left the UK 5 days ago. After a spot of "New Employee" training on Monday & Tuesday (seems they didn't spot I'm not a new employee and wouldn't let me off the hook) it's been down to getting my new machines up and running, office sorted, and getting into the detail of Windows Virtualization.

However, Windows Virtualization isn't out yet, but as you know, Virtual Server 2005 is. Especially if you're new to Virtual Server, it's worth taking a read of an article on the March/April edition of the TechNet Magazine which is available online titled "Do More With Less: Exploring Virtual Server 2005". There's also other articles including desktop deployment and systems management worth a read.


  • Anonymous
    March 30, 2006
    Not to mention the rumors of R2 being a free download :)

  • Anonymous
    March 30, 2006
    No comment :) (which seems a little ironic when I'm posting a comment....)