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Hands-on Windows OS Internals and Advanced Troubleshooting

I received an email from David Solomon - author of Windows Internals this morning. By amazing coincidence, I happened to have a copy of it open and reading it just as the email came in. David & his colleage, Mark Russinovich regularly give courses to folks in the Windows Core OS Division here in Redmond as part of a standard "getting up to speed" induction.

David just let me know that on 26th-30th June there will be a course running in London. Registration for that can be found here. From the people on campus I've spoken to who've been on this course, they highly recommend it.

Here's the full details:

Hands-on Windows OS Internals & Advanced Troubleshooting w/Russinovich and Solomon

If you like Sysinternals or the book Windows Internals, then you'll want to attend a hands-on (bring your own laptop) Windows internals & advanced troubleshooting class, taught by Mark Russinovich and David Solomon. Topics include: crash dump analysis, advanced process and thread troubleshooting, memory management internals, security internals, boot process and troubleshooting, I/O system. Now updated to cover (Windows) Vista!
