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Want to be Certified in XP Embedded?

I'm here on Campus in Redmond, sitting in on the debate discussions on what should and should not be on a certification test, as well as how to ask the right questions. There are several MVP's and industry experts here in the room with our Learning folks to make sure that it's an objective test. just like our Windows Embedded CE Certification, we will soon offer one for XPE (Windows Embedded Standard)


And here's a few of our experts in action! Who's that in the back row... why it's Gordon Smith and Dan Saniti, 2 of our MVP's from Avnet! Thanks for the help, guys! beer

xpe cert2


And the fun of collecting data! Susan Filkins from our Learning group is the expert... Great job herding these guys, and keeping them on Task Susan! smile_wink

XPE Cert1


Now tomorrow, the Product Team will review the output of this session, and then they come together Wednesday and finalize on a strategy. Once that's complete, it's up to someone to actually write the questions! smile_nerd


We'll check in on them tomorrow!

