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Xbox Live – Family Game Night - TONIGHT

Xbox Live - FamilyGameNight Have you ever played Scrabble or Battleship with someone 1000 miles away?  

Me neither – let’s try it !!  

A few weeks ago, the fun folks at Electronic Arts teamed with Hasbro to release several classic board games for the Xbox 360.  They are available via the Game Marketplace as Arcade titles for 800 points each (about $10 US).   for the full details, check out my blog from a few weeks ago: (or just scroll down)

Now, to make it easier for folks to try these games out online, the Xbox Live community will be having ‘Family Game Nights’ for the next few weeks, highlighting some of these games.  Basically, its an organized way to say “Hey, if you want to try out playing this online, there will be 1000’s of other folks available to play during these hours.”   This is good for all kinds of reasons:Hasbro Family Game Night

-  Because it lets me power up my Xbox a few hours earlier, instead of waiting for my kids to go to bed, on a school night

-  Because it is hard for me to find someone who wants to play me in Scrabble - cuz I’ve got a mongo-magnimific vocabulary

-  And because it can be hard to find other thirty-somethings who what to play Connect 4 or Battleship

So, save the next few Tuesday nights for Xbox 360 and Family Game Night on Xbox Live.

April 14 – Scrabble

April 21 – Connect 4

April 28 – Battleship

And if you see DarkJediHunter online … then, please invite me to a game or join mine !!
