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Game Recommendation : LEGO Battles for Nintendo DS

Lego_Battles_DSAs promised, I did receive LEGO Battles for Fathers Day – so I wanted to share my enthusiasm for this game.  My sons have both been into LEGO for a few years – and of course, I played with them when I was a kid.

We have collectively played through all 3 video game series (as well as a few older PC titles like Lego Chess):

And we’ve played quite a bit of Civilization:Revolution (Xbox360) and Age of Empires III (Nintendo DS) – so building small, pixilated armies is pretty standard stuff for us.

Put all of that together, and how can you not want this latest installment to the LEGO gaming series ?!?

Yes, you can build your own armies – from multiple playsets including LEGO Castles, LEGO Space, LEGO Pirate, plus many other pieces and parts.  And …

To read the rest of the game review – please check out my gaming blog .

As always, thanks for reading