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Interesting Citrix event, London, September

Chatting to my opposite number at Citrix today I found that they have a Virtualization event coming up. Entitled Unlock the Power of Virtualisation it's taking place at Old-County Hall in London on 17th September, and the details are registration link are available via

The site says the day will include the following 3  presentations

  • Citrix XenDesktop™ - Virtualising Windows-based desktops.
  • Citrix XenApp™ - Delivering Windows-based applications.
  • Citrix XenServer™ - Virtualising Windows-based servers.

Interestingly the notes they sent me describe a fourth session

Virtualisation with Citrix and Microsoft:
For nearly two decades, Microsoft and Citrix have delivered significant value to customers, and now both companies are working together on desktop and server virtualisation technologies. Hear how Microsoft and Citrix are working together on product integration so that customers have access to comprehensive and flexible virtualisation solutions, all controlled by an integrated management platform

Why I am recommending this event ?

I often find myself explaining to people that this or that feature added to Terminal Services isn't a full on attack on Citrix, and the fact they have a HyperVisor and we have one too doesn't mean we want to kill each other. When I do I'm always aware that "that's what the Microsoft guy would say". I'm also aware that I'm so immersed in Microsoft products that I can't always describe how partners like Citrix deliver value. This is something that you can best get from the source, not second hand. I make no secret that I think VDI solutions are over-hyped (they have their uses, but I'm a "PC on every desk" kind of person, if you don't need a PC on every desk then a presentation virtualization solution, will usually be more efficient). Since we don't have broker to distribute users among pools of VMs we look to Citrix for that. Again I'm aware that since we're missing a piece people might think that colours my view. Citrix have the products to deliver a service either way, and no axe to grind so I'd recommend them as a vendor to talk to when weighing up different central models for application delivery.


Technorati Tags: Citrix,Virtualization,events