Convert Flash SWF to XAML for WPF and Silverlight
It was only a matter of time......
I first heard about Electric Rain at the launch event for Expression in the UK and the chaps from the product team did their presentation using their software, a very sexy WPF based slide shower called Standout.
Now these guys have come up with something which is also very cool, a conversion tool called Harmony (nice name :-))that takes your Flash swf files and spits out XAML for use in Silverlight and WPF apps. I love the concept and can't wait to see it when they release in the Summer.
They do mention that some of the actionscript animations from Flash might not convert well but it's interesting all the same.
Technorati tags: WPF, Silverlight, Flash, XAML
January 01, 2003
Aţi auzit de Moonlight? Va fi Silverlight pe mono. Proiectul este detaliat aici . Deja s-a depus un picAnonymous
January 01, 2003
Another week has shot by. Didn't have any time to look at Silverlight although I have managed to download