TMG 2010 SP1: Cannot publish a website through TMG server when using any port except port 80
Cannot create a weblistener using any port other then 80 for non-ssl website publishing or trying to modify WebListener settings via UI for non-ssl website publishing. For example trying to use port 8080 on the listener as the port number in front of non-ssl connection option it gives an error:
Repro steps
- Create a weblistener for non ssl connection
- In weblistener properties, click on connection tab and change the port to 8080
- Will receive an error: “web listener is configured to use SSL, you must specify a certificate" .
Run the script:
ListnerName= WScript.Arguments.Named("Listener")
ListnerPort= WScript.Arguments.Named("Port")
set curArray = CreateObject("FPC.Root").GetContainingArray()
set listener = curArray.RuleElements.WebListeners.Item(ListnerName)
listener.Properties.TCPPort = ListnerPort
- Save it as SetListenerPort.vbs
- Run it from elevated command prompt
- SetListenerPort.vbs /Listener:<ListenerName> /Port:<PortNumber>
- Where <ListernerName> and <PortNumber> should be substituted to the actual parameters.
- Close and open tmg console. The port should be changed.
Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in the Microsoft products
Masoud Hoghooghi
Escalation Engineer
Microsoft CSS Forefront Security Edge Team
Technical Reviewer
Brennan Crowe
Support Escalation Engineer
Microsoft CSS Forefront Security Edge Team
August 13, 2010
What is the current release timeline for TMG SP1 Update 1?Anonymous
April 04, 2013
Hi, Do you know when this was fixed? I've just hit this issue. Many thanks.