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Easy Migration of WebSense Settings in Forefront TMG 2010

Customers who have an existing Websense® installation and want to move to Forefront Threat Management Gateway (TMG) as a Secure Web Gateway can migrate without creating rules from scratch.  SecureGUARD ( ) provides the Web Configuration Migration Wizard, a migration tool that converts an existing Websense configuration to a Forefront TMG 2010 installation, with reduced setup time and optimized security.

The wizard enables you to export an existing WebSense configuration and import the configuration into Microsoft Forefront TMG. Based on the information retrieved, for each WebSense Policy an equivalent TMG rule set will be created.

The following components of the WebSense configuration can be migrated to TMG 2010:

  • Users and Groups Information
  • Computer and Network objects
  • Time Schedules
  • URL Category Mappings

Based on the information retrieved for each WebSense Policy rule, corresponding TMG policy rules will be created. These rules will be configured with the appropriate User and Group Information, existing time schedules, computer and network objects and also URL categories. This mapping of the WebSense URL category to the matching Microsoft MSR (Microsoft Reputation Service) category will be done by the SecureGUARD Migration Wizard.

Written by Gabriel Koren
