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It's Ireland Girl Geek Dinner Time!

I know you've all been waiting for it, so hurry up and register at

The dinner is taking place in conjunction with the Irish Web Technology Conference.  IrelandGirlGeekLogo_BrownIt is on Wednesday, February 27th.  We have two venues, but we're waiting until later this week to see how much interest there is - then I will update you with location.  Special thanks to Microsoft Ireland for sponsoring the dinner.

What this is is basically an evening for women in technology to get together, enjoy some dinner and meet some new faces.  It's a way to encourage your fellow women colleagues to join the community, offer their expertise and help grow the network of role models and leaders here in Ireland.

The one rule is that men are allowed to attend, but they must be the guest of a woman who was already planning to attend.  Get that? ;-)  So ladies when RSVP-ing, please add in the comments or e-mail me if you'd like to bring a guest so we can manage numbers.

If you have questions about the e vent, would like to get involved at a higher level, or would like to sponsor a future dinner, please contact me at martharo [at]

Thanks - looking forward to seeing you all at our first GGD!

Cross posted from Martha's Blog