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Ireland Girl Geek Dinner - The Recap

It took me a few days to recover from the first ever Ireland Girl Geek Dinner.  Ireland Girl Geek Dinners LogoWhat a great night!

As I mentioned in my last GGD post, I was fully expecting a turnout of around 20 women, and I waited to launch the event until I knew I had a group of dedicated and driven individuals attending, but apparently I didn't need to worry so much!

46 amazing women and men showed up at Odessa on Wednesday night for a delicious dinner (thanks to Odessa!  And Microsoft for sponsoring!) and an energetic discussion about what they are missing in their community and what they'd like to see.

Some stats: 46 attendees (7 of them male).  43 bottles of wine.  5 hours at Odessa. 

I owe quite a lot of credit to Tech Journalist Marie Boran, who wrote an excellent article in the Silicon Republic last week and piqued interest from all over Dublin.  Thanks to the stellar Philip Bromwell from RTÉ for his amazing videography and editing.  Thanks to Fergal Breen and Barry Alistair for helping with promotions, logistics and everything else.  And thank you to Odessa for fantastic food and service & for letting us stay around until very, very late and for not killing me when I made people switch seats before dessert.  Last but not least thanks to all the attendees who made the event such a success with their energy and participation!

I filmed the discussion and so I'll be editing that and posting next weekend.

Speaking of filming, we were on RTÉ TV & Radio last week.  Here's a link to Philip's coverage on Six One News:,null,230 (I know, I know, it's not in Silverlight...yet...Philip is sending me the media so I can convert it - don't worry!!).

The link to the clip on Morning Ireland is here:,null,209 

The rest of the dirt on GGD will be on our website:  I'll continue to keep that coverage there, and here I will just keep logistics and planning info.

Next dinner: End of April in Cork.  We're looking for sponsorship, so let me know if you are interested.  As I don't live in Cork, please contact me at martharo [at] if you're interested in helping plan. 


Technorati Tags: Girl Geek Dinners,Ireland Girl Geek Dinners

Cross posted from Martha's Blog
