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NGO, State Government, and MVPs: Together

Rahul Nathan, an MVP, together with an NGO - Positive Actions Foundation and the State government, launched a User Group in for technology enthusiasts in Mandya and Mysore region of Karnataka - MY-TUG (MandYa/MYsore Technology User Group), with the inaugural offline event - Power of 7... Windows 7 – on May 23, 2009. Other MVPs, Vijay Raj and Anand Khanse, have also supported the initiative.

At the event, Rahul took a session on Windows 7 demoing new features and innovations in the upcoming Windows version. The event had 33 attendees. You can find the photos of the event here.

DSCN2746Encouraged by the interest and the enthusiasm, the group is planning to host a grand event in Mysore on June 27, 2009 with specific focus on Microsoft Technologies for both developer and IT Pro audience.