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jQuery and ASP.NET Controls Recipes

jQuery and ASP.NET Controls

Suprotim Agarwal, ASP.NET MVP from Pune, India, and owner of popular developer portals – dotNetCurry, DevCurry, and SQLServerCurry, has recently announced his new eBook – 51 Tips, Tricks and Recipes with jQuery and ASP.NET Controls .

The eBook is the result of his practical experience of using jQuery with ASP.NET controls since last year, all in the pursuit of demonstrating techniques to resolve Client-Side programming challenges, quickly. The book shows 51 useful recipes of using jQuery with various ASP.NET controls, each recipe dedicated towards solving a particular problem. These recipes have been written for real-world developers who need instant solutions to common and not-so-common problems. Each recipe in this EBook is designed to help you to understand, learn, and solve challenges associated with ASP.NET Client-Side Development and to provide you with strategies and anecdotes using jQuery that will make you resolve these issues quickly. You can download the Table of Contents and 5 Sample Chapters of the upcoming eBook.

Although this eBook will be made available only after October 20, 2009, you can pre-order the book right away at a huge discount. If you pre-order now for only INR 299 (US$6.09) . The same eBook after October 20 release will cost INR 499 (US$9.99). By purchasing this one of its kind eBook, you will also be supporting Suprotim and his team to continue the awesome work they do on their developer portals and in technical communities.