Blog Posts of the Week (27th Jan'13 - 02nd Feb'13)
Getting started with Knockout.js
By Dhananjay Kumar published on 01-28-2013
Knockout.js helps us to create dynamic JavaScript UIusing the MVVM pattern. It simplifies the task of linking Data Model to….(more)
Pivot Control in Windows Phone 8
By Karthikeyan Anbarasan published on 01-29-2013
In this article we are going to see what a Pivot Control in the application development for Windows Phone 8. Pivot control are available right…. (more)
What is the use of Dispatcher object in XAML Technology?
By Kunal Chowdhury published on 01-30-2013
When you are working on a different thread like Background Worker, you may have to deal with the UI. Though you can do this by exposing properties and binding the properties….(more)
By Pranay Rana published on 01-28-2013
In the following first is css example and than html code on which it will work, so to try by yourself create html page and put the css as well as related Html….(more)
Lookup A Dictionary with duplicate key value pairs
By Amit Choudhary published on 01-29-2013
Have you ever felt a requirement of duplicate keys and value pairs in a dictionary? Sounds like crazy!!! But yes few days back….(more)
Server based Search- Exact match and Prefix match in Lync Server 2010
By Balasaheb Ilag published on 02-02-2013
Server-based search can be used for both exact and prefix searches. The exact and prefix match searches….(more)
Steps to monitor the SQL Server Services
By Jugal Shah published on 01-28-2013
I have a need to monitor the SQL Server Services in my environment. Are there any programmatic options to do so? Check out this tip….(more)
Wildcard character based pattern search in T-SQL
By Visakh Murukesan published on 01-27-2013
Today happen to see a question based on wildcard characters search within a string pattern in a forum. I gave the solution for it and in my efforts….(more)
Office 2013
By Amardeep Singh published on 01-28-2013
Business Data Connectivity (BDC) Models containing External Content Types with database, WCF, Web service or custom connectors can be used by….(more)
Introduction to DAX Formulas & Measures for Power Pivot
By Purnachandra Duggirala published on 01-28-2013
Implicit measures are created automatically when you drag and drop a field in to Power Pivot values….(more)
Hide all data label less than any percentage in Pie Chart Using VBA
By Ashish Koul published on 02-02-2013
If you want to hide all the data labels in a pie chart which are less than any specific percentage. Try this macro it will hide….(more)