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Another good reason why I think we should deprecate AutoRun setting from Command Processor

The cause for this nasty to diagnose behavior was that in customer's machine, when you ran "cmd.exe /c cd" with "c:\program files\debugging tools for windows" as the current directory, it was returning "c:\" as the actually set current directory.

It happened that customer had a "CD \" in his "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Command Processor\AutoRun". So, when ADPLUS.vbs script invoked "cmd /c tlist.exe > …" it failed because it couldn't find tlist.exe under the root of C: and its path wasn't part of the PATH environment variable.

I have also found this post in Raymond's blog which also talks about same concern with AutoRun.

This is the email a colleague posted to an internal distribution list, asking for help.

From: <Removed_Intentionally>
Sent: <Removed_Intentionally>
To: <Removed_Intentionally>
Subject: Error while running ADPlus command line to take Dump

I wonder if you can give me some light on this:

My customer is trying to run ADPlus (after installing Debugging Tools for windows ) See steps in the e-mail bellow. However when he runs the command from the command line he receives the following errors:

*** ERROR ***

*** ERROR ***

*** ERROR ***

The file Process_List.txt was never closed (finished writing) by tlist.exe in the c:\dumps\Crash_Mode__Date_01-04-2007__Time_13-44-2525 directory after waiting for 10 seconds.

This could indicate that there was a problem running tlist.exe or that the file could not be read using the Scripting.FileSystemObject.

Please try running tlist.exe manually from the C:\Program Files\Debugging Tools for Windows directory or re-register scrrun.dll and try running ADPlus again.

For full report see file ADPlus_Report.txt file attached.

Can anybody tell me how to solved this error in order to be able to take the Dump?

Thanks a lot,




  1. Take a Dump with ADPlus in Crash mode following the steps:

1. Install Debugging Tools for Windows in the Server. You can download them from (Debugging tools for windows para 32 bits) It could be necessary to restart the machine after the installation. You can copy them to a folder named “Debugging Tools for Windows”.

2. Create a file called httpexception.cfg in the directory “Debugging Tools for Windows” with the following content:

· Substitute the path where the Dump will be generated by c:\temp if necessary.

· If the Operating System was Windows 2000, substitute w3wp.exe by aspnet_wp.exe. If it is Windows 2003 there is no need to modify it.



       <RunMode> CRASH </RunMode>

  <OutputDir> c:\dumps </OutputDir>

<Option> Quiet </Option>

<ProcessName> w3wp.exe </ProcessName>



       <!-- defines a set of commands to execute before the sxe and bp commands -->

  <cmd>r $t1 = 0</cmd>

  <cmd>!loadby sos mscorwks</cmd>











<CustomActions1> !soe System.Web.HttpException 1;.if(@$t1==1) {.echo System.Web.HttpException occured';.dump /u /ma c:\dumps\HttpException.dmp;gn} .else {.echo 'other exception occurred';!clrstack;gn} </CustomActions1>




3. From the command line (from the directory “Debugging tools for windows”) run the following command:

Cscript Adplus.vbs –c httpexception.cfg

This command will cause that the debugger (cbd.exe) join each process w3wp.exe and generate a Dump when the exception HttpException occurs (It waits until the exception happens)