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Counter intuitively, working from home is for the extroverts

While I am not particularly surprised by this report, showing that the most effective home-workers are the extroverts, I do feel kind of validated by it. Or at least, I can stop asking myself "what is wrong with me that I *need* to go into the office?"

Just to be clear, and I have a feeling that some of you won't believe me, I am an introvert. I am so totally an introvert. Frankly, the conversation in my head both keeps me amused and annoys me. Sometimes I remember a conversation I have had and then I remember that it was a virtual conversation...with myself. For you extroverts out there, I'm guessing that you actually rely on other people for those conversations. People need both a mental life and a physical life, but I can probably go longer than most being alone. But when I need social interaction, I need it. And I do. Need it. Sometimes. Too much and I withdraw, too little and I seek it out. Yin...yang. Balance is good.

So I wouldn't say that the working from home thing doesn't work for me, but I can only do it so much. And I have enjoyed coming into the office recently, despite the fact that there are moving boxes all around (we are moving into a swanky new building next week...more on that in the near future).

So, this report shows what I suspected: the chatty, extroverted folks do better at home than I do (the queen of email and IM). For me, it's not as much of a productivity issue as it is about being happy in my own head...which will lead me to a separate topic (for a separate post) about whether or not what you see of the blogger is the person. I say no, but I'll share more on why. So, can you assume that what you see in writing = what you would see in person in a relationship (work or otherwise), conversation, etc. Does a blog "conversation" replace an in-person conversation? Does a post here and there represent a life? Does bringing the snark on the blog mean I can't turn it off? Does over-thinking topics on the blog mean I do the same in real-life? OK, I actually do that last one.

But anyway...


  • Anonymous
    July 01, 2009
    <i>"Researchers studying bodily reactions found that co-workers on different continents experienced the same chemical responses as they would in face-to-face meetings."</i> I found that part particularly interesting. I should send this to my managers as I'm an extrovert through and through! re: Blogger vs. the "real" person... I've always believe no matter how open one is, a blog is still a window (or a preview) to the person and definitely not the whole person. I mention it in my disclaimer: <i>"...please don't assume you know me because you're a regular reader."</i> The bloggers I've spoken to offline reflect (more or less) what I would have expected from reading their blog. Do your friends who read your blog feel "One Louder" is an accurate representation of Heather? I guess I can always wait for your post... :)

  • Anonymous
    July 01, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    July 01, 2009
    I've gotten the same "I can hear you speaking when I read" comment- that's what's great about the personal/casual style of blogs! Your blog is different though because it is more a professional than a personal blog - which makes it stranger that people would assume your blog is the whole package. I don't even assume that the person I know [in real life] in the office is the whole package! "Blogging and dating" should probably have it's own post as well! Allow me to offer my 2 cents-

  1. They should know that you're more of a professional blogger, so why would you go into details of your love life?
  2. Would you really want to date someone who would make such a snap judgment?
  3. See# 2 and in my experience, people who thought others were cocky have oftentimes simply just been insecure with themselves. Insecurity = major turnoff. I'm curious to know your thoughts as I noticed you clarified 3 times that you don't think you're "so great or the shizz"! :) One last thing: Taking dating advice from me is probably a reeeaally bad idea... :)
  • Anonymous
    July 02, 2009
    The comment has been removed