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Recycle Bin.. Continued

Now that we have handled the Upload and Delete events, let us handle the Restore event. Implemented in a class library which contains similar classes as the earlier library. Again we have a BaseEventSink class which is extended from the default available with the event handler toolkit and the EventSinkdata class 


  File: BaseEventSink.cs

  Summary: Base class for cached event sinks.



using System;

using System.Xml;

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

using System.Security.Principal;

using System.IO;

using System.Diagnostics;

using System.Text;

using System.Collections;

using System.Collections.Specialized;

using Microsoft.SharePoint;

using RecycleBin.SharePoint.Configuration;

namespace RecycleBin.SharePoint.EventSink


    /// <summary>

    /// Base class for cached event sinks.

    /// Handles impersonation and caching event sink classes to handle multiple events on

    /// the same list.

    /// </summary>

    public class BaseEventSink : Microsoft.SharePoint.IListEventSink



        public BaseEventSink()



        /// <summary>

        /// Implementation of the OnEvent method. Windows SharePoint Services will

        /// call this method when an event occurs.

        /// </summary>

        /// <param name="listEvent">The SPListEvent object that describes the event which occured.</param>

        public virtual void OnEvent(Microsoft.SharePoint.SPListEvent listEvent)


                  WriteToFile("The event has been fired. Entered the custom event handler.");

                  WriteToFile("List Event dump:- " + listEvent.ToString());

            if (listEvent == null)


                throw new ArgumentNullException("listEvent", "list event object cannot be null");



                  WriteToFile("Getting the cached event sink.");

            BaseEventSink sink = GetCachedEventSink(listEvent);

                  WriteToFile("Got the cached event sink.");

            WindowsImpersonationContext wip = null;

            //Ensure each sink instance handles only one event at a time.





                    //Make sure the sink class has the current SPListEvent object

                    sink.EventInfo = listEvent;

                    //Impersonate the appropriate user

                              WriteToFile("Impersonating the administrator");

                    WindowsIdentity id = sink.HandlerIdentity;

                    if (id != null)

                        wip = id.Impersonate();

                              WriteToFile("Impersonation completed.");

                              WriteToFile("Now passing control to the event handler.");







               if (wip != null)


                    if (m_web != null)



                    //Null out cached SPWeb and SPList objects so that

                    //fresh ones are obtained for the next event.

                    m_web = null;

                    m_list = null;




        /// <summary>

        /// HandleEvent is called when an event occurs. Child classes should perform the main

        /// event handling actions here.

        /// </summary>

            protected void HandleEvent()


                  WriteToFile("Entered the actual event handler.");

                  WriteToFile("The event is of type:- " + EventInfo.Type.ToString());

                  switch (EventInfo.Type)


                        case SPListEventType.Update:

                        case SPListEventType.Insert:





            /// <summary>

            /// Used To restore files from Recycle Bin into the document library of origin

            /// </summary>

            private void UpdateInsertHandler()


                  WriteToFile("Entered the UpdateInserthandler.");

                  string fileLocation = EventInfo.UrlAfter;

                  WriteToFile("Got the file location:- " + fileLocation);

                  SPFile miscFile = EventWeb.GetFile(fileLocation);

// string newFileLoc = fileLocation.Remove(0, strRecycle.Length);

                  string newFileLoc = fileLocation.Remove(0, Configuration.RecycleBinLib.Length+1);

                  WriteToFile("Getting the new location:- " + newFileLoc);




// miscFile.MoveTo(string.Concat(strMain,"/",newFileLoc),true);

                        WriteToFile("Moving the file to the new location.");


                        WriteToFile("Move completed.");



                  catch(Exception ex)







        /// <summary>

        /// The SPListEvent object that describes the current event.

        /// </summary>

        protected virtual SPListEvent EventInfo




                return m_ListEvent;




                m_ListEvent = value;

                m_web = null;

                m_list = null;

                m_fileUrl = null;

                m_sinkData = null;




        /// <summary>

        /// The SPWeb object for the web site that contains the list

        /// that the event occured on.

        /// </summary>

        protected virtual SPWeb EventWeb




                if (m_web == null)


                    m_web = m_ListEvent.Site.OpenWeb();


                return m_web;



        /// <summary>

        /// The SPList object for the list the event occured on.

        /// </summary>

        protected virtual SPList EventList




     if (m_list == null)


                    m_list = EventWeb.Lists[EventInfo.ListID];


                return m_list;



        /// <summary>

        /// The url of the file the event occured on.

        /// Equals UrlAfter if UrlAfter is not empty. Otherwise equals

        /// UrlBefore.

        /// </summary>

        protected string EventFileUrl




                if (m_fileUrl == null)


                    string webUrl = m_ListEvent.WebUrl == null ? "<NULL>" : m_ListEvent.WebUrl;

                    string webRelUrl = m_ListEvent.UrlAfter;

                    if (webRelUrl == null || webRelUrl.Length == 0)


                        webRelUrl = (m_ListEvent.UrlBefore == null || m_ListEvent.UrlBefore.Length == 0 ?

                            "<NULL>" : m_ListEvent.UrlBefore);


                    m_fileUrl = String.Format("{0}/{1}", webUrl, webRelUrl);


                return m_fileUrl;




        protected string Data




                if (m_sinkData == null)


                    m_sinkData = m_ListEvent.SinkData;


                return m_sinkData;



            # region Custom Code

            /// <summary>

            /// Converts XML string retrieved from SinkData property into an object

            /// </summary>

            protected EventSinkData Configuration






                              m_ConfigData = EventSinkData.GetInstance(Data);

                              return m_ConfigData;


                        catch(Exception ex)




      return null;



            /// <summary>

            /// Makes sure that the proper folder structure is in place for copying, moving or inserting a file in to the mirror

            /// document library or the Recycle Bin document library.

            /// </summary>

            /// <param name="web">

            /// Web where the folder structure needs to be built or ensured

            /// </param>

            /// <param name="finalUrl">

            /// Url containing the structure that needs to be built, must contain the trailing "/" if it is not a link to a file.

            /// If it is a link to a file the file name will be stripped and the folder structure ensured.

            /// </param>

            /// <returns>

            /// File path that has been built

            /// </returns>

            protected static string EnsureParentFolder(SPWeb web, string finalUrl)


                  finalUrl = web.GetFile(finalUrl).Url;

                  int x = finalUrl.LastIndexOf("/");

                  string epf = String.Empty;

                  if(x <= -1)

                        return epf;

                  epf = finalUrl.Substring(0, x);

                  SPFolder folder = web.GetFolder(epf);


                        return epf;

            SPFolder curFolder = web.RootFolder;

                  string [] folders = epf.Split('/');

                  for(int i = 0; i < folders.Length; i ++)


                        curFolder = curFolder.SubFolders.Add(folders[i]);


                  return epf;


            protected static void PublishException(string errors)


                  if(errors.Length > 0)



                              EventLog.CreateEventSource(SOURCENAME, LOGNAME);

                        EventLog el = new EventLog();

                        el.Source = LOGNAME;

                        el.WriteEntry(errors, EventLogEntryType.Error);



            # endregion

            # region Windows Impersonation Code

        /// <summary>

        /// The WindowsIdentity class of the identity the Event Sink should impersonate.

        /// </summary>

        protected virtual WindowsIdentity HandlerIdentity




                        m_Identity = CreateIdentity(Configuration.UserName,




                        return m_Identity;



        /// <summary>

        /// Helper method to handle creating a WindowsIdentity object from a username / domain / password.

        /// </summary>

        /// <param name="User">The username of the account to impersonate.</param>

        /// <param name="Domain">The domain of the account to impersonate.</param>

        /// <param name="Password">The password of the account to impersonate.</param>

        /// <returns></returns>

        public static WindowsIdentity CreateIdentity(string User, string Domain, string Password)


            // The Windows NT user token.

            IntPtr tokenHandle = new IntPtr(0);


            const int LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT = 0;

            const int LOGON32_LOGON_NETWORK_CLEARTEXT = 3;

            tokenHandle = IntPtr.Zero;

            // Call LogonUser to obtain a handle to an access token.

            bool returnValue = LogonUser(User, Domain, Password,


      ref tokenHandle);

            if (false == returnValue)


                int ret = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();

                throw new Exception("LogonUser failed with error code: " + ret);


            //The WindowsIdentity class makes a new copy of the token.

            //It also handles calling CloseHandle for the copy.

            WindowsIdentity id = new WindowsIdentity(tokenHandle);


            return id;


            # endregion

        /// <summary>

        /// Get the cached event sink object to handle this event.

        /// </summary>

        /// <returns>The cached IListEventSink object that should handle the current event.</returns>

        private BaseEventSink GetCachedEventSink(SPListEvent evt)


            BaseEventSink sink = null;


            //Syncrhonize both reads and writes to the cache.

            //Even though the Hashtable class is threadsafe for reads, we don't want to have

            //multiple sink instances per list. Otherwise, if many events occur on a list

            //right off the bat, you could get many instances that all have to initialize




                sink = SinkCache[evt.ListID] as BaseEventSink;


                //The cached sink is only fit if it is the same type and has the same data

                //as the current sink.

                if (sink == null ||

                    ! sink.GetType().Equals(this.GetType()) ||

                    evt.SinkData != sink.Data)


                    //Update the cache, throw away the old sink if it exists.

                    SinkCache[evt.ListID] = this;

                    sink = this;



            return sink;


            # region Win32 API calls


        [DllImport("advapi32.dll", SetLastError=true)]

        private static extern bool LogonUser(String lpszUsername, String lpszDomain, String lpszPassword,

            int dwLogonType, int dwLogonProvider, ref IntPtr phToken);

        [DllImport("kernel32.dll", CharSet=CharSet.Auto)]

        private extern static bool CloseHandle(IntPtr handle);

            # endregion

        protected SPListEvent m_ListEvent;

        private SPWeb m_web;

        private SPList m_list;

        private string m_fileUrl;

        private string m_sinkData;

            // Custom variables start


            private EventSinkData m_ConfigData;

            protected static Hashtable SinkCache = new Hashtable();

            private const string SOURCENAME = "Recycle Bin";

            private const string LOGNAME = "Recyclebin.EventSink";

// private string strMain = "TEST";

// private string strRecycle = "Recycle Bin";

            private WindowsIdentity m_Identity = null;

            // Custom variables end

            // Logging

            private static void WriteToFile(String input)




                        string filePath=@"C:\sharepoint\Log.txt";

                        FileInfo logFile = new FileInfo(filePath);



                              if (logFile.Length >= 100000)



                        FileStream fs = new FileStream(filePath,FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite);

                        StreamWriter w = new StreamWriter(fs);







                  catch(System.Exception ex)






