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Technologies and Architecture in 2009…. Happy new year…..

First of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR. I hope everyone had a nice and relaxing time during the holidays, I certainly did (even though the time was flying by and I had difficulties getting back to work because of airport delays, unscheduled stop over, mobs of people, and just the new years craziness….).

It is an exciting year ahead of us with the upcoming releases of Windows 7, Office 14, Visual Studio 2010, .NET 4.0, Windows Azure, and many many more…… Before jumping into any of these I would like to highlight in my first blog of the year the technologies that I will be focusing on for the next half year (until the end of our fiscal year end of June).

Focus Area



IE8, Silverlight, Win32, WPF, Windows Mobile 6.5 and 7, Windows 7, and Windows Embedded.


SQL Server 2008, Windows HPC Server V2, Windows Virtualization (Hyper-V).

Services Platform

Windows Services platform, SSDB, Live Mesh and others new innovations.


Unified Communications, Sharepoint, Office 14, CRM Live and AX.

Framework & Tools

.NET 3.5 SP1, VSTS 2010 (Visual Studio “10,” VSTS “Rosario,” and .NET 4.0)

You can expect me to pick up these technologies as they are getting closer to release. I started already with Visual Studio 2010 posts and will probably write next wee about my first experiences with the Windows 7 beta (whenever depending on when the beta release will be ;-)).

In regards to architecture, it seems that SOA was officially pronounced dead by the Burton Group on January 1st. While this seems not surprising, SOAs offspring “Clod Computing” is taking the limelight. See also my post on our team blog SOA is Dead; Long Live...... well, Services ;-) .
