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Windows Phone 7 devices arrive in the Southeast!

I have just been given an allocation of Windows Phone 7 devices to share with the local developer community (Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina).

If you are in one of those states, and are building a Windows Phone 7 application (Silverlight or XNA) for the upcoming Windows Phone Marketplace, we want to hear from you! Especially if you are at the point at which you need to test your app on an actual device for things like location, accelerometer or other hardware integration.

Download the Word document, attached to this blog post, fill it out, and email it to me at the address in the document.

Since we have a limited number of devices right now, we're giving folks a week with each one. We hope to have more devices will be available soon, though.

If you aren't able to get a phone, don't fret - there will be other opportunities to test your applications on actual hardware coming up in the next few months in the southeast.

If you haven't started developing yet for Windows Phone 7, what are you waiting for? Get the free tools today at and get rolling!
