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MSDN Southern Fried Roadshow – December 2008 edition

In case you missed it, our December 2008 stops for our MSDN Southern Fried Roadshow are now open for registration. I won’t duplicate the agenda information here, it’s all on our page. I will say that, this time around, everyone gets a Silverlight 2 book (while supplies last) and we are also featuring local speakers at each of our events to do a “local byte” of flavor, or something like that. It will be fun though, and I’ll blog when we’ve nailed down who our guest (or guests) will be at each stop. Also join our facebook group and see our photo stream at the link above.

The last thing I’ll write is a plea to sign up and to tell your friends. Some other roadshows on the east coast have been suspended for low registration, and we’d hate for that to happen here. We’re especially worried about Wilmington, NC, we know there are SOME developers there, so let’s hear from you!
