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Greenville-Spartanburg user group - next meeting January 15, 2008

The next GSP Developer's Guild Meeting is Tuesday Jan15th, 2008 at 6:00pm in room 142 at Greenville Technical College Engineering Technology building.

6:00 PM Pizza and networking
6:30 PM Announcements
6:45 PM Presentation - "Finding and Landing that Dream Job"
7:30 PM Presentation - "Can they do the Job"
8:15 PM Prize drawings
8:30 PM Wrap-up

Finding and Landing that Dream Job
Are you currently in your dream job or are you looking for a new position in software development? Find out what you can do to find a better job and then what you can do to stand out from the others applying for the position.
Can they do the job?
How do you know if that new applicant can do the job you need them to do? Not only is it hard to fill IT positions; it is even harder to fill them with people that can hit the ground running. There are a few simple things you can do to maximize your chances of hiring the right person.

The meeting (and pizza) is free and open to all IT professionals with an interest in .NET. For a map to Greenville Technical College visit this link.
