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Quick-list for testing and demoing on a real device

In the last days I set up a demo app running on a SmartPhone / PocketPC. I needed to wake-up an app on the SP by sending an SMS. This is well described in The hard part is setting the security right, because SMS is a privileged operation. For an in-depth description see

These are the steps for unmanaged code.

  1. Reboot the phone
  2. Connect the USB cable
  3. Select Guest partnership
  4. Launch the "Smartphone 2003 SDK" command prompt
  5. Type spdps /create /device
    This is needed just once. The next time
  6. Open the embedded Visual C++ project
  7. Verify that the binaries will be signed with the "Smartphone 2003 Privileged Test Signing Authority"
  8. Deploy the application to the device


  • Anonymous
    April 28, 2005
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    April 28, 2005
    spdps /device non fa' altro che pubblicare sul device i certificati di sviluppo in modo da poter fare il deploy e il debug delle applicazioni. Cambiando device o riavviando il dispositivo è necessario ripetere l'operazione.
    Per rilasciare l'applicazione al pubblico o un deploy su un cliente è necessario procurarsi un certificato ufficiale tipo Mobile2Market.