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Exchange Server 2003 Events and Errors

When you are looking at event in eventvwr.exe (Event Viewer) in Windows 2003 you see at the bottom of every Event the following:

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Sometimes when you click on that link you get some good information back. Sometimes…

Where is that information stored? Can you get to it without having to open the Event Viewer? Sure.

TechNet has an Events and Errors Message Center where you can choose a product that the error is associated with. Exchange 2003 has one here:

Exchange Server 2003 Events and Errors

There you can enter the Source of the error and the Event ID. For instance, Entering the source of MSExchangeIS and the Event ID 5000 (Shudder…) gives you a table that includes:

5000  Unable to initialize the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service. - Erro...

Click on the Event ID 5000 to see the same thing you would if you did it from the Event Viewer. Don’t forget to expand the Related Knowledge Base articles at the bottom.