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Joe Stagner - How do I videos on developer security

For those of you who know Joe Stagner and his days hosting live events, live TechNet Webcasts, and presenting at TechEd sessions, enough said. Just check out his blogs below. Joe is going to start a series of how do I developer security videos on Microsoft developer tools and technologies. They're going to be awesome. So be sure to check out his blog for more information.

For those of you who don't know Joe Stagner, I'd like to say a few words on this behalf. Joe Stagner has been around for a while in the IT industry. Joe Stagner brings 30 years of experience developing solutions for large and small companies all across the USA and his career has spanned everything from robotics machine control programming through a couple of start-up companies to President and CEO of a publicly traded NYC-based consulting firm. In recent years Joe has specialized in geo-scalable, highly performance, fault-tolerant architectures and application security. Now while I was managing the MSDN Webcasts, every now and the, I'd attend some of his live TechNet Webcasts, and watch his Webcasts max out on registrations as they were so poplar.

The live security session at TechEd, that Joe held called "How Hackers Hack" has maxed out in the main room, and we had TechEd attendees in a overflow room watching his presentation on the big screen. Yeah, he's that good on talking about security and about developer tools and technologies. Joe basically just strips out the B.S. and shows you how do code and do things in a straightforward, no nonsense manner. He leaves all the marketing BS out, and gives you what you need to understand something specific. This is why I'm excited to see Joe Stagner do these how do I videos. I was going to talk to Shawn Tng in the US BMO to see if we can get Joe to do these videos for us, and looks like Joe's already on it. He's gonna make about a 100 of these how do I developer security videos, so be sure to check them out when they get released to the site.