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My first game with Cocos2D JS

In the following days there is a good chance that I will mention a lot the  Windows Game Cocos Developer Contest.

With this contest you have the chance to win up to USD$ 25K if you submit your Cocos2D games.

In the meantime I have created this short video to help you set up Cocos2D in your computer and create your first project:

Remember that you have until May 31st to submit your game and participate in the contest.

For more information and the official rules check the contest's site: :

This video covers basic questions like: Where do I download Cocos2D-JS? How do I create my first project? How to use Visual Studio to compile my Cocos2D project? Are we alone in the Universe? Ok, perhaps that last one is not covered, but hey! the video is pretty cool :)


Let me know if you submit any game, I would love to check it and promote it.