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FrankPr's World of Devices

It's the platform that makes the difference.

MSDN Experten - neue Seite bei MS

Was ist eigentlich ein Denkpanzer? (Oder was bedeutet eigentlich "Think Tank"?...) Anyway ... es...

Author: FrankPr Date: 01/12/2005


MacWorld: Alles redet über den Mac mini, aber der wirkliche Hit ist recht unbemerkt geblieben: iMer....

Author: FrankPr Date: 01/12/2005

Microsoft PDC '05: Sep 13-16, 2005, L.A.

There will be a PDC in 2005: see here. Now go and sign up. :-)

Author: FrankPr Date: 12/09/2004


One important ingredient to the software factories concept is the ability to quickly & easily...

Author: FrankPr Date: 11/12/2004

Why the name "software factories"?

Just came across this explanation of why Greenfield et al. chose the name "software factory" for...

Author: FrankPr Date: 11/12/2004

Dirk & Uwe bei GIGA TV

Meine hochgeschätzten Kollegen Dirk und Uwe waren kürzlich bei GIGA TV zu Besuch und auch live im...

Author: FrankPr Date: 11/12/2004

Windows Mobile Development Webcasts @Learn247

Here is an announcement from our EMEA evangelism team for those who want to learn how to use .NET...

Author: FrankPr Date: 11/03/2004

Remote Display Control for Pocket PC

Just finished the first in a series of talks about mobile development ("TechTalk") here in Germany,...

Author: FrankPr Date: 10/04/2004

TechTalk: T-Mobile SDA zu gewinnen [Germany only ;-]

Gute Nachrichten: Unser Windows Mobile Marketing Team läßt sich nicht lumpen und sponsort für meinen...

Author: FrankPr Date: 09/27/2004

It's TechTalk Time again [Germany only! ;-]

Hallo liebe Freunde des gepflegten TechTalks, hier ein Hinweis in eigener Sache: Im Rahmen des neu...

Author: FrankPr Date: 09/08/2004

Blog to be seen

Oops - I've been cited (somewhat incompletely) by eWeek in this article about the VS2005 Beta 1...

Author: FrankPr Date: 09/06/2004

Longhorn in 2006, Avalon + Indigo on XP/2003

I'm currently in Bellevue, WA, attending a Microsoft event for us developer evangelists, and I'm...

Author: FrankPr Date: 08/27/2004

VS2005 Beta 1 Refresh (September CTP) is coming

Rick LaPlante announces that the next Community Technology Preview of VS2005 (called “Visual Studio...

Author: FrankPr Date: 08/26/2004

Python goes .NET

Have a look at IronPython if you're programming Python & .NET.

Author: FrankPr Date: 07/29/2004

Mix languages in C++ projects in VS 2005

Some time ago I wrote about a new feature that's coming in VS 2005: projects that contain source...

Author: FrankPr Date: 07/27/2004

The Empire Blogs Back

Cool article on, among other things, the new open culture at MS, here at Wired News.

Author: FrankPr Date: 07/26/2004

AmberPoint Express ships with VS 2005 Team System

See this press release.

Author: FrankPr Date: 07/16/2004

VS 2005 receives A+ on Chinese Govt Certification

Just learned that VS 2005 (in its current beta stage) got "A+" certification for the Chinese...

Author: FrankPr Date: 07/16/2004

Was, nur 1 GB Speicher bei GMail? :-)

Freemail von teilt heute mit, daß es ab sofort für Club-Mitglieder (5 € pro...

Author: FrankPr Date: 07/15/2004

DOOM 3 is coming!

German news service heise online reports that id Software has finished the long anticipated ego...

Author: FrankPr Date: 07/15/2004

GMail vulnerability

Well, if you're planning to give all your personal info to Google (i.e., store all your emails in...

Author: FrankPr Date: 07/15/2004

We want your feedback - at the MSDN Product Feedback Center!

For the first time in history (well, I may exaggerate a little bit here :), you have the opportunity...

Author: FrankPr Date: 07/14/2004

SQL Mobile rocks!

After having attended some pretty impressive presentations on CF 2.0 and SQL Mobile (SQL Server 2005...

Author: FrankPr Date: 07/09/2004

.NET Compact Framework SP3 Beta

Here comes a service pack that mainly fixes some nasty bugs. See...

Author: FrankPr Date: 07/09/2004

TechEd 2004, Amsterdam

Lots of people here at TechEd Europe, interesting talks (incl. Herb Sutter's C++/.NET talks and the...

Author: FrankPr Date: 06/30/2004

German Channel 9, maybe?

We (German community evangelists) are discussing whether we should create a German section of the...

Author: FrankPr Date: 06/26/2004

Longhorn 4074 fries my CPU :-(

Well, I got that fantastic Dell Inspiron 8600c (Pentium M 2GHz, 2 GB RAM, ATI Mobility Radeon 9600...

Author: FrankPr Date: 06/24/2004

Personal blog created

Decided to move my personal opinions on science, philosophy, etc. to a separate blog which I created...

Author: FrankPr Date: 06/11/2004

Think in Ink

Wrote an article on the Tablet PC Platform SDK (in German) which made it into the June edition of...

Author: FrankPr Date: 06/11/2004


Congrats to Ingo, Christian, Christian, & Ralf - and good luck with your new consulting...

Author: FrankPr Date: 05/20/2004

German DevDays 2004 done!

We did it! 6 days @ 6 locations, and we had fun. I did the mobility part in the application track +...

Author: FrankPr Date: 05/20/2004


Finished the INETA User Group Tour on "Writing Secure Code" on Monday in Berlin. I'll cover the same...

Author: FrankPr Date: 04/23/2004

INETA User Group Tour "Writing Secure Code"

Zusammen mit der deutschen Software-Legende Michael Willers (sorry, Michael ;-), Gründer des...

Author: FrankPr Date: 04/09/2004

Microsoft and Sun Microsystems Enter Broad Cooperation Agreement

Read this. Wow - the world can change really fast these days!

Author: FrankPr Date: 04/02/2004

CeBIT madness again

Arrived in Hannover today to do 7 days (in a row) of talking & demoing at the hands-on machines...

Author: FrankPr Date: 03/17/2004

Whidbey slips - so what?

Good comment by Scott Hanselman on why Whidbey & Yukon RTM slipping to 2005 is not the end of...

Author: FrankPr Date: 03/15/2004

KurzweilAI RSS feed

Just learned (thanks to Amara D. Angelica) that Ray Kurzweil's fascinating KurzweilAI site has a...

Author: FrankPr Date: 03/13/2004

Eine Woche nach Kassel

Habe mich inzwischen wieder vom Technical Summit 2004 in Kassel erholt :-) Die Veranstaltung hat...

Author: FrankPr Date: 03/10/2004

Sales vs Evangelism

For all those who think/believe that evangelism just another way of doing sales, here is a cool...

Author: FrankPr Date: 02/26/2004

Redmond again

Arrived on Friday in Seattle, for a MS-internal event. Staying at the Doubletree Hotel in Bellevue,...

Author: FrankPr Date: 02/24/2004

Paul Allen's Mobile Computing Fantasy

Have a look at FlipStart - a full-blown WinXP machine that weights less than a pound.

Author: FrankPr Date: 02/18/2004

Slammer not responsible for U.S. blackout

Looks like they found the cause for the Aug 14, 2003, blackout in parts of the U.S., and it's got...

Author: FrankPr Date: 02/16/2004

Win a Smartphone!

Want to win a Qtek 8080 Windows-powered Smartphone 2003? Write a cool Compact Framework app for...

Author: FrankPr Date: 02/16/2004

How secure is your app server? Ask @stake.

While browsing Scott's blog, I found this reference to a security study by @stake, comparing .NET...

Author: FrankPr Date: 02/12/2004

First human embryos cloned

German news magazine Der Spiegel reports here that scientists from South Korea and the U.S. have...

Author: FrankPr Date: 02/12/2004

How do you pronounce "XAML"?

I discussed this recently with a colleague. I can proudly state that I was right :-) Authoritative...

Author: FrankPr Date: 01/31/2004

Technical Summit 2004 - be prepared!

Die PDC 2003 verpaßt? Trotzdem interessiert an der Zukunft von .NET? Neugierig auf Whidbey,...

Author: FrankPr Date: 01/30/2004

Longhorn Developer FAQ

... is available here.

Author: FrankPr Date: 01/30/2004

Wiki inventor joined Microsoft

Just learned that Ward Cunningham, the inventor of the Wiki, has joined Microsoft a couple of weeks...

Author: FrankPr Date: 01/29/2004

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