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SharePoint logging and troubleshooting using ULSViewer

SharePoint logging and troubleshooting using ULSViewer

In helping with troubleshooting SharePoint issues we can make use of the SharePoint Unified Logging System; or in short: ULS logs. ULS logs can provide in-depth information about the problem to a support group to enable faster resolution.

Default Location ULS log:

SPS2007 - C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\LOGS

SPS2010 - C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\LOGS

SPS2013 - C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\15\LOGS

ULS Verbose logging:

You can get most details by setting the ULS logging mode to Verbose or VerboseEx mode.

Note: Please be aware to only enable Verbose logging mode while reproducing the issue, because this mode will quickly fill up your hard disc.

More details can be found here: (Configure diagnostic logging (SharePoint Foundation 2010))

ULS Viewer:

ULS Viewer can be used in different modes. The log can be read from log files, real time ULS log, or even clipboard. For example:

On a server that is running SharePoint 2010, run ULS Viewer. Click File, Open From, then choose ULS (This could also be done by simply press Ctrl+U). Immediately the logs will be shown in real-time. You can filter message level by click the icons in the middle. This can tell you what is going on inside SharePoint. You can filter on multiple criteria to isolate your issue.

Note: Please have a look at the Documentation link here below for more details of how to use the ULS Viewer tool. A few common ways of filtering are by using the “Correlation id” or the “Category“. Next to that, you can right-click on one of the message lines, and then select “Show Errors Only”. Or, simply do a CTRL-F (find) to search for a keyword.

Download ULS Viewer tool:


Thanks to the author of the article: Manlon.lam[at]
