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Microsoft Releases Speech Recognition Macros for Windows Vista

With the combination of a Vista Tablet PC and these Speech Recognition Macros (thanks Blake) - could that be a basis for a Electronic Lab Notebook (ELN)?  It would be interesting to see if having those different modes of interaction (text, touch, pen, speech, etc) would be enough for scientists...

The Windows Speech Recognition Macros tool (aka WSRMacros) extends the usefulness of the speech recognition capabilities already included in Windows Vista. Users can now create powerful macros that are triggered by spoken commands. These macros can perform a single task, or a series of tasks. Macros can be as simple as inserting your mailing address to as complex as providing a completely different speech interaction utilizing a number of built in capabilities or utilizing custom JScript/VBScript actions.

The Windows Speech Recognition Macros tool (Technical Preview) extends the usefulness of the speech recognition capabilities in Windows Vista. Users can create powerful macros that are triggered by spoken commands which can perform a series of tasks from as simple as inserting your mailing address to as complex as providing a completely different speech interaction with applications. (Thanks Rob )

The Road to Know Where: Microsoft Releases Speech Recognition Macros for Windows Vista

Cross Posted from Dan Fay's Blog (\_fay)