SimpleScript Part Four: Finite State Machines and Script Engines
Last time I said that I'd discuss finite state machines (also sometimes called finite state automata, same thing.) The FSM is a fundamental idea in theoretical computer science because it models computing machinery in a very simple, abstract and general way. Basically it goes like this: an FSM has a finite number of states (duh). Each state accepts a finite number of inputs. Each state has rules which describe the action of the machine for every input. An input may cause the machine to change state.
That's extremely general, I know. Let's consider a specific example -- a machine which has two inputs: a slot that can take in quarters, and a button. It has two outputs: quarters and gumballs. And it has two states: GOTQUARTER and NOQUARTER. We can chart the actions given a certain input:
Insert Quarter |
Press Button |
Change state to GOTQUARTER |
Do nothing |
Output the quarter |
Output gumball, Change state to NOQUARTER |
That's a pretty darn simple machine. Modern CPU's are also finite state machines -- after all, every bit in a machine can only be in two states, and there are only so many possible binary inputs from mice, keyboards, hard disks, and so on. The number of possible states a modern computer can be in is mind-bogglingly huge -- far more than the total number of particles in the universe -- but because the rules for the state transitions are very well defined it all works out nicely. (Because the number of states is so large, it is often more helpful to model machines as "Turing machines", which can have unlimited internal storage. But I'm digressing.)
The script engines use this idea of finite state machines explicitly. A script engine has six possible states, and it performs certain actions as it transitions between those states based on "inputs". In this case, the inputs are via calls to the various methods on the script engine. The six states are Uninitialized, Initialized, Started, Connected, Disconnected and Closed. A script engine is created by a host -- Windows Script Host, Internet Explorer, Active Server Pages, whatever. The host is responsible for changing the script engine state as it sees fit, within the rules I'll describe over the next few entries.
The script engine begins life Uninitialized. An uninitialized engine does not know anything about its host, and therefore cannot call any methods provided by the host. There's very little you can do to an uninitialized engine, but what little you can do, you can do from any thread, subject to the rental model. I'll talk more about threading issues later.
There's only one way to initialize an engine, and that's to pass a pointer to the host into SetScriptSite. Once an engine is Initialized it becomes apartment threaded, with a few exceptions that I'll talk about later. There is a lot more you can do with an initialized engine -- add named items (again, more on those in the future), add script source code, and so on. However, the code cannot actually run yet. At this point, the most commonly used input that affects the script engine state is the appropriately named SetScriptState method. More on that below.
A Started engine actually runs the script code, but does not hook up event handlers. (I discussed implicit event binding last time.) Moving the engine into Connected state hooks up the event handlers. If the host wants the event handlers to temporarily stop handling events, the hose can move the engine into Disconnected state.
That's the usual order in which things happen at startup. To tear down the engine, the IActiveScript::Close method tears down event handlers, throws away compiled state, throws away the reference to the host and moves the engine to Closed state.
The actions associated with SetScriptState are easiest to summarize in a table. (Except for illegal calls, this also sets the engine state to the new value.)
| |||||
| ||
| |||
As you can see, I've written methods that implement these state semantics in engine.cpp, though plenty of them are still stubbed out.
Next time, I want to talk more about the threading model, explain away a few oddities, and then we'll change gears for a bit and implement a simple language. That'll get us into language design, how to expose syntax errors, and so on.
- Anonymous
April 11, 2004
I'm a little confused about the Unitialized and Closed states. They seem to have the same permitted operations. Transition to same state allowed, transitions to other states disallowed, SetScriptSite to initialize engine. The difference seems to be that moving to Uninitialized kills only some of the scripts and named items. Moving to Closed kills all of these. "Some" is probably going to get elaboration in the future I guess.
What confuses me is their relation to the starting state. Logically, the engine is going to start with no scripts or named items. Moving to Unitialized from a running engine might leave you with scripts or named items. This seems different from the starting state. Moving to Close leaves you with no scripts or named items. Why isn't the starting state equivalent to Closed? - Anonymous
April 12, 2004
Excellent question. Your logic is impeccable -- there really does seem to be very little difference between Uninitialized and Closed except for the fact that an Uninitialized engine might be holding on to persistent scripts/items and a closed engine never does. (There are other differences as well having to do with debugging semantics and other advanced features, but they are not germane to your point.)
There are two reasons why a freshly initialized engine starts in Uninitialized state. First, it would just be bizarre to create a brand new engine, ask it what its state was, and get "closed", don't you think? You didn't close it, so why is it closed?
Second, though technically it is legal to take a closed engine and initialize it again, the intention of the Close method is that you call it right before you are about to do the final release on the engine.
Therefore it would again be a little weird to start the engine in closed state, because the only thing you're supposed to do with a closed engine is destroy it!
Looking at this design decision now, I think it would have been clearer to have another state in there -- Closed, Uninitialized, Reset, Started. Make "Closed" REALLY mean "Closed, we're not kidding", don't try to initialize the engine again. Make "Uninitialized" mean "fully uninitialized", "Reset" mean "non-persisting items discarded". Then if you wanted to fully uninitialize an engine to recycle it you could do so without having to Close it and then initialize it again.
That would have been a more self-documenting design, but we're stuck with what we've got now. - Anonymous
April 12, 2004
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
April 12, 2004
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
April 12, 2004
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
April 12, 2004
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
April 12, 2004
Yes, it has to do with circular references. The host has a ref to the engine, the engine has a ref to the site if it is initialized. The host tells the engine to break the circular ref by closing the engine.
I agree that it is unfortunate that the host is responsible for the correct use of a complex interface like the script engine. That's why we wrote the Script Control, which does all the complicated stuff for you.
I'm not sure whether the engine used to implicitly Close on the final release or not -- I'm at home right now and I don't have access to the logs. I'll check when I get into work. - Anonymous
April 13, 2004
The engine destructor called Close in the May 24th 1996 build, which is as far back as the logs I have on my machine go. That predates me, and certainly predates IE4!
You must be thinking of some other bug that we fixed between IE4 and IE5 -- there were a lot of them... - Anonymous
April 20, 2004
That thing sure spits out a lot of quarters.... (isn't it meant to change the state to NOQUARTER when it has output one?) - Anonymous
April 20, 2004
D'oh, sorry, not paying enough attention. This is what a cold does to you :( - Anonymous
May 16, 2007
The comment has been removed