JScript eval redux, and some spec diving
was discussing the difference between executing in local and global scopes the other
day. A reader points out something that I forgot to mention – there are two
sneaky ways to manipulate the global namespace from an “eval” in Jscript.
the Function constructor constructs a named function in the global scope. This had
slipped my mind when I was writing the entry.
second trick was very much on my mind but I did not mention as it would be yet another
digression. That is the fact that assigning a value to an undeclared variable
creates a new variable in global scope.
was on my mind because a couple weeks ago my buddy (and open source zealot, I mean enthusiast)
CJ was debugging an irksome incompatibility between Gecko and IE. It turned out to
hinge on the fact that in IE, fetching the value of an undefined variable is illegal,
but setting it is legal. According to CJ, in Gecko both are legal.
(I wouldn’t know, never having actually used any browser other than IE since IE3 was
in development.)
if you look at the ECMAScript Revision 3 specification (aka E3) in some depth it becomes
clear that IE and Gecko are both in compliance with the spec, and yet incompatible
with each other.
I hear you ask. The logic is a little tortuous!
a new global variable when setting an undeclared variable must be legal according
to E3 section 10.1.4, line 5, which states that an identifier undeclared in all scopes
on the scope chain results in a "null reference", and section 8.7.2, line 6 which
states that an assignment to a null reference creates a new variable in the global
scope. IE does this, and I assume that Gecko does as well.
setting the value of an undeclared variable must throw an error according to E3 section
8.7.1, line 3, which states that fetching the value of a null reference creates a
ReferenceError exception. IE does this. If Gecko creates a variable in some scope
rather than throwing a ReferenceError exception then clearly they have produced a
situation in which a program running in Gecko has different semantics than when running
in the browser used by the other 90% of the world.
situations are, as my buddy CJ discovered, very painful for developers -- mitigating
this pain is why my colleagues and I went to the massive trouble and expense of defining
the specification in the first place! However, if that is the case then Gecko
is not _actually_ in violation of the specification thanks to E3 section 16, which
implementation may provide additional types, values, objects, properties, and functions
beyond those described in this specification. This
may cause constructs (such as looking up a variable
in the global scope) to have implementation-defined behaviour instead of
throwing an error (such as ReferenceError)." [Emphasis
E3 authors explicitly added the parenthetical clauses to make Gecko-like behaviour
legal, though discouraged. However, the clause is necessary -- without this
clause it becomes very difficult to define certain browser-object-model/script-engine
interactions in a manner which does not (a) make both IE and Navigator technically
noncompliant with the spec, (b) drag lots of extra-language browser semantics into
the language specification and (c) make it difficult to extend the language in the
earnestly wished to avoid all these situations, so the rule became "any error situation
may legally have non-error semantics." This is in marked contrast to, say, the ANSI
C specification which rigidly defines what error messages a compliant implementation
must produce under various circumstances.
- Anonymous
September 25, 2003
Actually, Gecko does raise an error if you try to fetch an undefined variable. Maybe there was some other difference? - Anonymous
September 25, 2003
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
September 26, 2003
Brendan: Well, you'd know better than me, obviously, since you wrote the thing. :-)Ian: As I said, I've never actually tried it -- I'm just reporting on what my friend described. Next time I see him I'll ask for more details.