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Rachat de TeamPlain par Microsoft

Nous venons d'annoncer le rachat de DevBiz, l'éditeur de la solution TeamPlain. Pour ceux d'entre vous qui ne connaitraient pas, il s'agit d'une solution d'accès Web complèt à Team Foundation Server. Cette application Web expose en mode Web toutes les fonctionnalités disponibles dans le Team Explorer et bien d'autres (sauf l'accès au code source).
En tant que fonctionnalité de Team Foundation, TeamPlain est renommé Team System Web Access et sera inclus dans les prochains PowerTools en attendant l'inclusion dans Team Foundation Server "Orcas". Vous l'aurez peut-être compris : il devient gratuit !! Enfin, il faut toujours une CAL si vous n'avez pas de "Team Edition", mais il n'y a plus de coût supplémentaire lié à l'utilisation de TeamPlain.
Vous pouvez d'ores et déjà le télécharger ici :

Ci-dessous quelques captures d'écran issues de la page

Le communiqué de presse officiel est ici :

Supports any Work Item type

TeamPlain can seamlessly work with any type of work item, you can quickly create new work items and edit existing ones.

Project Dashboard

This page simply displays a general overview of the work items per project along with quick links for common tasks.

Click the picture to zoom

Work Item Query Results

This is a simple list that displays the results of a work item query.

Click the picture to zoom

Work Item Editor

The work item editor dynamically builds the layout and the input fields based on the work item type definition in the process template of the project. Even if the project contains custom work items, TeamPlain would display them as they would look like in VS 2005.

Click the picture to zoom

  • Work with any workitem type (bug, scenario, task, or any other custom type defined in the process template)
  • Access documents attached to work items, and attach new files
  • Manage links to related work items and changesets
  • Comply with the underlying workflow rules such as state transitions
  • View State History and State Diagram


Query Editor

Query editor allows you to create new work item queries or edit existing ones. You can add / remove filters, group/ungroup clauses, select fields to display, and set sorting preferences.

Click the picture to zoom

Report Browser

You can view any report stored on Team Foundation Server using the Report Browser, export reports as PDF or Excel documents.

Click the picture to zoom

Document Browser

Download, upload, check out, check in, rename or delete any files on Team Foundation Server document libraries.

Click the picture to zoom

Source Control Browser

Browse the source control repository, view or download files, and display version histories using the Source Control Browser.

Click the picture to zoom

Find change sets for any folders or files, search by change set number, user or date.

Click the picture to zoom

Source Control Changeset Viewer

View the files in a change set, associated work items, check-in notes and policy warnings.

Click the picture to zoom