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Cycling 2006 and 2007

I spent some time playing around with my Polar Software to get some summaries for the last year. Here's some data.

2006 Cycling Summary


2540 miles

Elevation Gain:

109,259 ft

Average Speed:

14.8 mph




181 hours

Heart Beats:


I'd expected to hit 3000 miles, but the early winter meant that I haven't been out much in the last two months. I don't have a sensor on my rain bike, so any time I spent on that bike (in the rain or on the trainer) doesn't show up as distance, though there is HR data for some. That might add a couple of hundred more miles to the total. I'm not sure how much I trust the calorie estimate.


I did the following organized rides this year:

I had done the first two before. The last three were all tough, but the mountain populaire was the toughest. I had planned to do RAMROD, but when I didn't get a place through the lottery I used that as a reason not to do it, though I very likely could have gotten a ticket from somebody else. I'll try again next year.

I had a nice time riding this year, and managed to take about 15 pounds off my 6'2" frame. I'm down from about 177 to 162 (though back to 166 after a few weeks of holiday eating...). I still have a little bit of fat around my middle, but not much. That put me back into the same size Levis I wore when I was in college. My wife now says I have no butt.


I'm not sure yet what my plans are for 2007, but I do have a few thoughts...

  • I'm going to work on my core strength.
  • I'm probably going to get a coach to design a training plan for me.
  • I'll try to do RAMROD (really try) this year.
  • I might do another biking vacation with the family, perhaps to the San Juans
  • I may do STP again (or perhaps not...). If I do it will be a one-day variant
  • I might ride RSVP with my 13-year-old daughter, if she's up to it
  • I'm probably going to take a track racing class


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2008
    Last year I did a quick summary . And here's this year's data: Distance: 2090 miles Elevation