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What are the trends in IT for 2011

  • So here are a couple of trends that will affect our lives for the near future:

      • Processing Power: Computer processing power doubles every 18 months. We know this as Moore’s law. There are signs that this will slow for the coming years.
      • Hand-held devices: Small devices are capable of delivering high computational power that was only available to desktop computers 5 years ago. These devices will have multi-core CPU’s delivering great performance in the coming years. We might expect to see 3D displays on these devices too.
      • Multi-core: We will see more multi-core processors but harnessing the computational power will depend on software algorithms and optimization. Heterogeneous cores promise performance and efficiency gains.
      • Mobile social networks: Social networks are already a large part of our lives. It will become more dominant as everybody will have mobile devices as a part of their lives.
      • Bandwidth: Digital bandwidth is doubling faster than processing power. Our average connectivity to Internet is growing at an incredible speed. Globally connection speeds above 5 Mbps was %22 and increased %3 year over year. Check Akamai for detailed information.
      • Mobile Internet: More and more of Internet traffic is generated from mobile devices. The number has doubled and this trend is expected to continue.
      • Wireless bandwidth demand: The demand for bandwidth has grown while consumers expect to pay less for more available bandwidth. However mobile revenues are not reaching the levels needed for investment.
      • Storage Capacity: Digital data storage is doubling every 12 months. Current Information on Internet is estimated to contain close to 1.1 ZB (Zetabytes) of Information.
      • Storage vs bandwidth: When you look at disk drive capacity and consumer bandwidth, the rates are a little bit different. A good comparison can be seen here.
      • Sensors: Sensors would be embedded in almost every object we use. One of the new protocols for communication to watch for is ANT+. More information can be found here.
      • Micro Display technology: Micro displays are changing the world of physical displays. There were over 150 new pico-projector models released in 2010. Some interesting information can be found here