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TechEd 2010 Sessions

I've been heads down on all sorts of things, including preparing for two sessions at TechEd next week.

If you're heading to New Orleans, be sure to check out these two sessions next week at TechEd in New Orleans covering mixed environments:

Code Session Room Day Time
WSV318 Living in a Mixed Environment: Integrating Your Heterogeneous Infrastructure Rm 387 Mon., June 7 4:30 PM - 5:45 PM
John Kelbley, Larry Mead
Windows Server runs on many of the servers in your data center, but perhaps not all of them. It may not be feasible to move all applications or functions to Windows, or some critical business applications may not leverage all the value of your Microsoft infrastructure. Learn how to better integrate and operate platforms (Linux/UNIX) and applications (like SAP) from outside the Microsoft family using technology including directory services, management, and virtualization. Come see how easy it can be to (for example) centralize Linux/UNIX/application security in the directory you already own, and how to backup Linux at no additional cost with Windows!
WSV305 Deploying, Virtualizing, and Managing Linux and UNIX with Hyper-V Rm 356 Tues., June 8 8:00 AM - 9:15 AM
Brett Shoemaker, John Kelbley
What does it take to run Linux and other operating systems on Hyper-V alongside Windows? Where do you obtain and enable the Linux specific Integration Services, and what do they actually do? What versions and configurations are supported by Microsoft? Now that you have virtualized Linux on Hyper-V, how do you manage it? Find out why many organizations run Linux on Hyper-V, how to do it yourself, and what the benefits can be.