Why do I get an error when I enter my PID in Target Designer?
There are some customers using SP1 who have finished up their testing and are now ready to build and deploy non-evaluation runtimes. Some of these customers have commented that they have received an error after they entered their runtime PID (Product Identification Key) under "Settings> Run-time Image Licensing" in Target Designer and deployed their image.
It may be because they have runtime PIDs that are from a newer range of PIDs. On an SP2 image these PIDs will work fine, but on an SP1 image an update is required before the new range will work.
Solution- install KB888506 to the database (be sure you have installed Q811279 first if you have never before installed any SP1 updates) open your configuration, run check dependencies and build your runtime. This update takes a change to the EmbdTrst.dll (owned by the Embedded Trust component) and the fbalib.dll (owned by the First Boot Agent (FBA) component).
Also a reminder that the PID that comes with the XP Embedded Suite of tools is different from the PID that gets entered for your runtime images. Runtime PIDs need to be purchased separately from your distributor. For a list of XP Embedded partners see this site.
- Lynda
- Anonymous
September 11, 2010
Do you have an updated linke for the KB888506 download? Cheers, Lucius