The Bar is Open!
While talking to one of our Marketing Managers who just joined the Windows Embedded team, the question on what cool devices are made by Windows XP Embedded came up. “Martini Mixer!” I said. “That’s cool.” he said. “But I don’t know who’s the maker or where to get one”, sadly I responded. Later he found us a link to an embedded Martini Mixer: It’s not out until the beginning of the new year and it doesn’t say what the embedded OS is. Still, “makes me wonder if this is the bigfoot sighting I’ve been looking for”, he added.
According to Nick, that’s probably just a fancy (with some added functionality) version of Barmonkey. He wondered if it’s the same guys who made the Barmonkey.
Anyway, before the summer ends (in Seattle), enjoy the Martini, enjoy the summer!
- Weijuan
August 28, 2007
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August 29, 2007
I would just like to congratulate for the great blog!Anonymous
August 31, 2007
Hey -- I just wanted to thank you for the blog and for the great tip. As you can see here, we followed up on this and found out that the Digital Bartender indeed runs XPe! See <a href=""></a> Cheers, or should I say bottoms up?