Preparing an XPe Image to run the Windows Media Player 11 installer
A componentized version of Windows Media Player 11 will be launched as part of the upcoming XPe Feature Preview 2008. This component will be compatible with XPe Feature Pack 2007. If you don’t have FP2007, or you have a more immediate need to use WMP11 in your SP2 embedded application, you can create an image that contains all the component dependencies required to support installing WMP11 after FBA is done. This article describes the process and prerequisites for running the WMP11 desktop installer on an XPe Image.
Installation Instructions
To install the Desktop (non-componentized) version of WMP11 into your image, follow the procedure below:
1) Create a macro component in Component Designer that contains all the component dependencies that WMP11 requires.
2) Import the SLD file into your database – as with any other component – and include that component in your image with Target Designer.
3) Download wmp11-windowsxp-x86-enu.exe (that’s the WMP11 desktop installer) from (25MB) and copy that to your image
NOTE: The above download location can be used for testing and developing purposes but these bits cannot shipped on a device. We are working on getting WMP11 posted to the ECE site with the appropriate licensing so that it can be incorporated in devices that ship.
4) Run wmp11-windowsxp-x86-enu.exe /Q from within the image after FBA is finished. It is very important to use the “/Q” command-line switch with the installation package. This shows no UI, so you may want to run it from a batch file which alerts you when the install is done.
The List of components required by Windows Media Player 11
Below is the list of all components required by the Windows Media Player 11 Setup.
Client / Server Runtime (Console)
Common Control Libraries Version 5
Common Control Libraries Version 6 []
Common File Dialogs
Core Certificate Services
DirectShow Core
DirectX Registry Info
Error Reporting
Internet Connection Wizard
Microsoft Audio Compression Manager (MME Core)
Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC)
Microsoft Foundation Class Library (MFC)
Microsoft Visual C++ Run Time
Performance Data Helper
Primitive: Crypt32
Primitive: Dbghelp
Primitive: Iphlpapi
Primitive: Mpr
Privitive: Msimg32
Primitive: Netapi32
Primitive: Ntdll
Primitive: Ole32
Primitive: Oleaut32
Primitive: Psapi
Primitive: Secur32
Primitive: Setupapi
Primitive: Shell32
Primitive: Shlwapi
Primitive: Tapi32
Primitive: Userenv
Primitive: uxtheme
Primitive: Version
Primitive: Winmm
Primitive: Winspool
Primitive: Wintrust
Primitive: Ws2_32
Primitive: Wsock32
Primitive: Wtsapi32
RPC Local Support
Urlmon Library
USB 2.0 Common
Video For Windows Core
Windows API – Advanced
Windows API – GDI
Windows API – Kernel
Windows API – User
Windows Image Acquisition Core
Wininet Library
- Alex
July 25, 2007
Windows Media Player 11 is available in a componentized form in XPe Update Rollup 1.0. However, it isAnonymous
July 30, 2007
Windows Media Player 11 is available in a componentized form in XPe Update Rollup 1.0. However, it isAnonymous
August 01, 2007
Windows Media Player 11 is available in a componentized form in XPe Update Rollup 1.0. However, it is