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Deploying RDP 6.0 Desktop Distribution Package in Windows XP Embedded Runtime

With the recent release of RDP 6.0 for Windows Vista and Windows XP Pro, embedded customers have been requesting to have RDP 6.0 support for Windows XP Embedded (or XPe) platform.
The Windows XP Embedded team has been doing the componentization work for RDP 6.0 for XPe platform. However, such componentized version of RDP 6.0 will only be available in "Windows XP Embedded Service Pack 2 Feature Preview 2008", which is dependent on Windows XP Embedded Service Pack 2 Feature Pack 2007. It does not address the need of customers who are still using Windows XP Embedded Service Pack 2 (or XPe SP2). The purpose of this article is to provide some guidance to customers as how they may install RDP 6.0 on their XPe SP2 runtime images using the RDP 6.0 desktop distribution package for XP Pro.

Dependencies Needed to Install RDP 6.0 Desktop Distribution Package on XPe SP2 Runtime
Based on our dependency analysis and experiment, the following is a list of dependent components that will be needed in the XPe SP2 runtime image in order to install the RDP 6.0 desktop distribution package for XP Pro.

Client / Server Runtime (Console)
Common Control Libraries Version 6 []
Microsoft Visual C++ Run Time
Primitive: Crypt32
Primitive: Mpr
Primitive: Ntdll
Primitive: Ole32
Primitive: Oleaut32
Primitive: Psapi
Primitive: Setupapi
Primitive: Shell32
Primitive: Userenv
Primitive: Version
Primitive: Winspool
RPC Local Support
Windows API - Advanced
Windows API - GDI
Windows API - Kernel
Windows API - User
Windows Installer Service

Creating and Deploying an RDP 6.0 Macro Component
In order to successfully install the RDP 6.0 desktop distribution package on XPe SP2, you will need to create a macro component that includes all the dependencies as listed in the previous section. Then, when designing and building your runtime image, include this macro component in your target configuration. The following is a list of steps to create and deploy the macro component.

  • Use Component Designer to create a macro component and include the list of dependencies as shown in the previous section. The result will be saved into a SLD file
  • Import the SLD file of the macro component into your database using Component Database Manager.
  • In Target Designer, when editing and existing configuration or creating a new configuration, include the macro component created in the previous steps in your configuration. Build and deploy the image in your target system
  • Download the RDP 6.0 XP Pro desktop distribution package (from MS Download site) and place it in a temporary folder (e.g. d:\temp). The distribution package is a self-executable file that looks like this: WindowsXP-KB925876-x86-ENU.exe
  • (*edit - 3/15/07*) NOTE: The above download location can be used for testing and developing purposes but these bits cannot ship on a device. We are working on getting RDP 6.0 posted to the ECE site with the appropriate licensing so that it can be incorporated in devices that ship.
  • Run the self-executable file under a command shell (i.e. DOS command prompt) and the installation process should proceed successfully. You may also apply appropriate install switches such as ‘/quiet’ or ‘/passive’. Apply the ‘/?’ will list all the switches available for the installation process.

- Thomas
