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CRM Developer Center & Customer Center - Redesigned!

Sivakumar Venkataraman - Click for blog homepageIf you have not visited the redesigned Developer Center and Customer Center for Dynamics CRM, please visit.

These portals have been redesigned for ease of access to information.

Developer Center - New and Improved User Interface

Customer Center - New and Improved User Interface. This was earlier called the Resource Center. 

IT Pro Center - Improved Interface for IT Professionals and Administrators

As per Amy Langlois, Sr. Content Publishing Manager, Technical Audiences, these are a few things to notice in these changes, which was implemented by Saurabh Kudesia with Jim Daly.

  • Task specific links to get you into the documentation you need for a specific task, with the most commonly used represented in tiles.
  • Easy links to download the SDK package and developer training kit.
  • A dedicated search page to find content in the SDK.
  • Pages dedicated to walkthroughs, sample code and videos.
  • A list of links in the lower right corner that take you to other useful web sites.

Hope this helps... 

Until next post!