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SMS 2003, ITMU, and Windows DST Updates

Microsoft Windows operating systems KB933360 is the latest Windows Cumulative Time Zone Update available.KB933360 will be issued as an "Update Rollup" and available via WSUS. To note, this Knowledge Base article replaces KB931836. Customers who have updated with the previous Rollup (KB931836) should carefully review KB933360 in the section on “Updates from the previous cumulative Windows time zone update” and determine if this update is necessary for their environment. To see such updates in WSUS, go to "Update Classifications" and select "Change," then check "Update Rollups" and sync. The KB will be released to WSUS on August 28th, 2007. More details on the changes for DST start and end times around the world can be found on the Microsoft website at

Windows KB933360 was issued as an "Update Rollup" and is available via WSUS, replacing KB931836. For customers using SMS 2003 and ITMU, the DST Update Rollup KB931836 was superseded by KB933360 in the file – the catalog consumed by ITMU. As a result, KB931836 update is no longer available for deployment via ITMU.

We encourage customers to run the latest cumulative DST update on their systems as a general rule. All clients that haven't had 931836 installed, will now only report that 933360 is applicable (due to the way WUA handles and reports superseded KBs) but the clients that have installed the previous update will still report it as installed.

In the event 931836 was only partially deployed for an environment and not all machines can be readily updated to KB933360, several options are available, among them:

· Build further collections of machines that do not yet have either update rollup applied, and target those machines with a new patch package which includes 933360.

· Continue to roll out 931836 to the remainder of the environment using standard software distribution.

· For more information see the “SMS 2003 and ITMU” section below.

After patching the suspect client machines, you may need to address Outlook calendar items that may be displayed incorrectly now that the Windows time zone definitions have been updated. 

Correcting the Outlook/Exchange Calendars of Affected Users

Determine which machines/users were affected.  This list will be used to create the input file for the Exchange Calendar Update Tool.  To determine which users are affected you should identify new machines that were introduced into your environment after August and are not patched with 933360.  You will need to associate a user with each machine.  For each potentially affected user you should check their Calendar to ensure accuracy during the extended DST period. 

Any Calendars that have appointments which are displayed incorrectly (example:  appointments appear to be moved by one hour) during the extended DST period will need to either manually update their appointments so that they appear correctly. Alternatively you can use the Exchange Calendar Update Tool or the Outlook Calendar Update Tool to correct the appointments.

The decision for which Calendar Update Tool to use is typically determined by the number of users affected, the number of Calendar items affected and the amount of end user interaction that is acceptable.  For instance, if there are a small number of users affected and a small number of Calendar items in each Calendar then having end users run the Outlook Calendar Update Tool or requesting that they manually drag and drop appointments to the correct time could be an acceptable solution.

Exchange Calendar Update Tool

If you chose to update the user Calendars with the Exchange Calendar Update Tool then after you have compiled the list of users you will then need to obtain their Legacy Exchange DN.  You will then enter the user’s Legacy Exchange DN into a text file along with their mailbox servers Legacy Exchange DN and the users time zone.  Microsoft Knowledge Base article 941018 contains additional information about creating this file and running the Exchange Calendar Update Tool.

Update affected users with the Exchange Calendar Update Tool using the “Only Update Recurring Meetings” Advanced Option in Exchange Calendar Update Configuration Tool which is documented in Microsoft Knowledge Base article 941018. Please do not update all items in these calendars as you may inadvertently change the time of a single-instance item that is correct.   Complete information on how to use the tool can be found here:

KB 941018 - How to address daylight saving time by using the Exchange Calendar Update Tool;EN-US;941018

Information about obtaining user LegacyExchangeDN information can be found at:

KB 324606 - How to use Legacydn.exe to correct Exchange organization names or Administrative Group names in Exchange Server 2003 or in Exchange 2000 Server

Once all recurring items are updated, instruct users to manually correct any remaining items in Outlook that are 1-hour off.

1. Print a copy of your calendar during the extended DST period for reference. 

2. Manually move meetings that you organized to the correct time. 

3. Send an update for the meeting that you moved to all attendees so that the attendees' calendar reflects the correct time. 

4. Manually move all single-instance appointments. 

5. Manually move all recurring appointments within the extended DST period. 

Outlook Calendar Update Tool

If you choose to update the user Calendars with the Outlook Calendar Update Tool then you should use the instructions in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 931667 and have the users carefully select which appointments that they want to have rebased.  They should pay attention to the appointments that occur from October 28, 2007 – November 4, 2007 to ensure the accuracy of those appointments. More information on the Outlook Calendar Update Tool is available at:

KB 931667 - How to address the daylight saving time changes in 2007 by using the Time Zone Data Update Tool for Microsoft Office Outlook

You may also experience discrepancies in Resource Accounts (Conference Rooms) with double bookings or incorrect times.  If this occurs then meeting organizers can update the meetings for an available time and send an update to all attendees.

Users should synchronize mobile devices and any additional Outlook clients (i.e. laptops, home machines) after all changes are completed.

SMS 2003 and ITMU (Inventory Tool for Microsoft Updates)

For customers using SMS 2003 and ITMU (Inventory Tool for Microsoft Updates):

The 931836 DST Update Rollup was superseded by KB933360 in the file – the catalog consumed by ITMU and the Distribute Software Updates Wizard. As a result, the 931836 update is no longer available for deployment via ITMU. We encourage customers to run the latest cumulative DST update on their systems as a general rule.

However in the event 931836 was only partially deployed for an environment and not all machines can be readily updated to 933360, several options are available, including:

- Build further collections of machines that do not yet have either update rollup applied, and target those machines with a new patch package which includes 933360.

- Continue to roll out 931836 to the remainder of the environment using standard software distribution.

Collections can be based on queries of Add/Remove programs Hardware Inventory data, which is enabled by default in SMS 2003.

The relevant Display Names of the updates in question are below:

Windows Server 2003

931836 – “Update for Windows Server 2003 (KB931836)”

933360 – “Update for Windows Server 2003 (KB933360)”

Windows XP

931836 – “Update for Windows XP (KB931836)”

933360 – “Update for Windows XP (KB933360)”
