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Microsoft Daylight Saving Time & Time Zone Blog

This is the blog maintained by staff at Microsoft to provide general information, announcements and provide answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) related to daylight saving time (DST) and time zone (TZ) changes around the world.* Important Notice

Event log entries during the 2am-3am DST gap -- why?

If you use Event Viewer, DST can cause unexpected behavior because Event Viewer changes the...

Author: atsim1 Date: 03/11/2007

Windows XP Event Viewer impacted by daylight saving time

A known issue... if you use Event Viewer, DST can cause unexpected behavior because Event Viewer...

Author: atsim1 Date: 03/11/2007

What is an Exchange resource mailbox? How do I find them?

What is a resource mailbox? · A resource mailbox is a mailbox that represents conference rooms and...

Author: atsim1 Date: 03/11/2007

Is Cisco MeetingPlace impacted by DST and how do they rebase meetings?

Q: Is Cisco MeetingPlace impacted by DST and how do they rebase meetings? A: It’s our understanding...

Author: atsim1 Date: 03/09/2007

What is the impact on SharePoint by the Daylight Saving Time change in 2007?

Q: Where can I find out more about the status of any impact on SharePoint by the Daylight Saving...

Author: atsim1 Date: 03/09/2007

The KB928225 patch Exchange 2000 CDO update failed and asked me to check the log

Q: I tried to install the KB928225 patch (Exchange 2000 CDO update). The patch failed and asked me...

Author: atsim1 Date: 03/09/2007

Scenarios for deploying the Outlook Time Zone Data Update Tool.

As with any deployment these should be tested to ensure they meet your needs and will operate in...

Author: atsim1 Date: 03/09/2007

We were able to do the rebasing of appts, but now historical appointments are incorrect

Q: We were able to do the rebasing of appts, but now historical appointments in 1999 are incorrect....

Author: atsim1 Date: 03/09/2007

I see valid users showing up in the errors.txt file - is this OK?

Q:I see many other valid users also showing up in the errors.txt file. Do I have to do something to...

Author: atsim1 Date: 03/08/2007

Where do I get the DST patch for my specific language?

Q:Hello, We are in Quebec, Canada, we use the French Version Windows XP, when I tried to launch the...

Author: atsim1 Date: 03/08/2007

How can I tell if the Windows Mobile MSI has been installed and applied correctly?

Q: What is the best way to determine if the MSI installation of the Windows Mobile patch for DST 07...

Author: atsim1 Date: 03/07/2007

Microsoft SQL server 2000/2003 DST- If you are not using the Notification Service, do I need to worry about anything else except the OS patch?

Q: Microsoft SQL server 2000/2003 DST- If you are not using the Notification Service, do I need to...

Author: atsim1 Date: 03/07/2007

So what relationship does this hot fix kb 932962 have to this kb 926666 in terms of CDO? What’s the difference? Also, what order does KB 932962 have to be deployed in as relates to OS DST KB 926666?

Q: So what relationship does this hot fix kb 932962 have to this kb 926666 in terms of CDO? What’s...

Author: atsim1 Date: 03/07/2007

SBS 2003 w Exchange 2003 SP2, patched with KB 931836 and KB 926666, then rebooted: OWA clients see DST rules in TZ picker in both basic and premier client modes. I expect them to see new Pacific TZ in picker but they see DST 2006 version, Pacific + Tijuan

Q: SBS 2003 w Exchange 2003 SP2, patched with KB 931836 and KB 926666, then rebooted: OWA clients...

Author: atsim1 Date: 03/07/2007

With SBS 2003 does exchange need to be at SP2 before applying the DST update?

Q: With SBS 2003 does exchange need to be at SP2 before applying the DST update?A: Yes, you could...

Author: atsim1 Date: 03/07/2007

What about SBS 2000: does apply or is that a manual process as it is with Exchange 2000?

Q: what about SBS 2000: does apply or is that a manual...

Author: atsim1 Date: 03/07/2007

Is there a definitive list for DST updates with regard to Windows Small Business Server 2003 SBS2003?

Q: Is there a definitive list for DST updates with regard to Windows Small Business Server 2003...

Author: atsim1 Date: 03/07/2007

What is the DST solution for VC++ 6.0 app using _timezone variable? Are we going to gat a patch from you? or we have to make code changes? also how will we test before/after scenarios?

Q: What is the DST solution for VC++ 6.0 app using _timezone variable? Are we going to gat a patch...

Author: atsim1 Date: 03/07/2007

Hi, thanks for ignoring my question. Please tell me why I should patch SharePoint if I have no public calendars or exchange public folder linkages. I have seen no rationale for patching on any of the sites.

Q: Hi, thanks for ignoring my question. Please tell me why I should patch SharePoint if I have no...

Author: atsim1 Date: 03/07/2007

Is there an update required for MAC OS X?

Q: Is there an update required for MAC OS X? I know this chat room is only for Microsoft product but...

Author: atsim1 Date: 03/07/2007

I noticed in a Microsoft article that Windows Mobile and Windows CE need to be updated as well. Which patch(s) are necessary for those?

Q: I noticed in a Microsoft article that Windows Mobile and Windows CE need to be updated as well....

Author: atsim1 Date: 03/07/2007

I need a fundamental reason "Why should I patch my Sharepoint boxes" when all I am running is WSS 2.0 (with some fairly weird/unsupported hotfixes) and I have no sites that are running Exchange Public Folder linkages.

Q: I need a fundamental reason "Why should I patch my Sharepoint boxes" when all I am running is WSS...

Author: atsim1 Date: 03/07/2007

Our VC++ studio 6.0 application uses _timezone variable. Where does it get that value from? From the system clock or msvcrt.dll?

Q: Our VC++ studio 6.0 application uses _timezone variable. Where does it get that value from? From...

Author: atsim1 Date: 03/07/2007

I am not using SQL Server Notification Service for SQL 2005,But as per your article 931815 I need to install DST patch.What would be my NSMainDatabase value?

Q: I am not using SQL Server Notification Service for SQL 2005,But as per your article 931815 I need...

Author: atsim1 Date: 03/07/2007

What is the offical name of the Arizona time zone? The tool did not detect the time zone for Arizona users and I want to manually put the time zone into the import document.

Q: What is the offical name of the Arizona time zone? The tool did not detect the time zone for...

Author: atsim1 Date: 03/07/2007

When running the .bat file and it starts creating logs....if it doesn't create a log for a user does that simply mean there was nothing to change?

Q: When running the .bat file and it starts creating logs....if it doesn't create a log for a user...

Author: atsim1 Date: 03/07/2007

The DST Update tool has been run on all mail stores in the organization, but I have clients running the OWA access and the calendar has not updated the times. When I access the client’s mail store on the exchange server the dates are correct.

Q: The DST Update tool has been run on all mail stores in the organization, but I have clients...

Author: atsim1 Date: 03/07/2007

After I clean up non-existent and conflict users and add to output.txt what is the next step? Something about skip extraction?

Q: After I clean up non-existent and conflict users and add to output.txt what is the next step?...

Author: atsim1 Date: 03/07/2007

I’m logged onto a computer as the domain admin. I’ve tried running msextmzcfg tool using the mail account of the domain admin, but still show "unable to open mailbox" error message in the log file. Do i have to run the vbs permission script

Q: I’m logged onto a computer as the domain admin. I’ve tried running msextmzcfg tool using the mail...

Author: atsim1 Date: 03/07/2007

How do i do this ->"To actually perform the rebase you must have an account with send as and full mailbox access to each mailbox."

Q: How do i do this ->"To actually perform the rebase you must have an account with send as and...

Author: atsim1 Date: 03/07/2007

What is timezone export mode?

Q: What is timezone export mode?A: MSEXTMZ performs two major operations - Exporting time zone data...

Author: atsim1 Date: 03/07/2007

Q: Do you have the link to the new (v2) Virtual Machine (VM) with the Exchange rebasing tool?A: If...

Author: atsim1 Date: 03/07/2007

We are getting this error The Time Zone Data Update tool for Microsoft Office Outlook encountered the error: Could not complete the operation. One or more parameter values are not valid. Additional error information: 80070057

Q: We are getting this error The Time Zone Data Update tool for Microsoft Office Outlook encountered...

Author: atsim1 Date: 03/07/2007

When running the config tool we get "unable to find mailbox timezone: Error 0x80004005" We're logged in with a Blackberry Admin account which has full rights to the mailboxes. Any suggestions?

Q: when running the config tool we get "unable to find mailbox timezone: Error 0x80004005" We're...

Author: atsim1 Date: 03/07/2007

How do i set up an Exchange profile to start this process?

Q: how do i set up an Exchange profile to start this process?A:...

Author: atsim1 Date: 03/07/2007

In ESM on Mailbox store can I give Domain Admins "receive as" permission. It's inheriting deny permission and I believe that would allow msextmx to run?

Q: In ESM on Mailbox store can I give Domain Admins "receive as" permission. It's inheriting deny...

Author: atsim1 Date: 03/07/2007

Is there an article that can be sent to users explain or showing what is expected after an exchange rebase?

Q: Is there an article that can be sent to users explain or showing what is expected after an...

Author: atsim1 Date: 03/07/2007

When I run the grantmailboxpermissions.vbs script on the exchange server to give an account the necessary permissions, but every user in the .err file says that it can't find the LDAP path and no mailbox owner user accounts found. Any ideas what's wrong?

Q: When I run the grantmailboxpermissions.vbs script on the exchange server to give an account the...

Author: atsim1 Date: 03/07/2007

When you run the tzmove on public folders can you point it to the root and have it sweep for all calendars?

Q: When you run the tzmove on public folders can you point it to the root and have it sweep for all...

Author: atsim1 Date: 03/07/2007

After running rebase, Lots of EXCDO errors An inconsistency was detected in NameofCalendar /Calendar/Halloween.EML. The calendar is being repaired. If other errors occur with this calendar, please view the calendar using Microsoft Outlook Web Access.

Q: After running rebase, Lots of EXCDO errors An inconsistency was detected in NameofCalendar...

Author: atsim1 Date: 03/07/2007

I receive: "Unable Open mailbox - 0x8004011D" error when running msextmz.exe. My account is in the domain admins group, but I suspect that I don't have permissions, if this is so, is there a simpler way to gain access to my users mailboxes (no s

Q: I receive: "Unable Open mailbox - 0x8004011D" error when running msextmz.exe. My account is in...

Author: atsim1 Date: 03/07/2007

The rebasing tool "stamps" calendar items as having been re-based, so subsequent re-runs of the rebasing tool won't move the same calendar item twice. What is the object property/value that is set to indicate the object has been re-based?

Q: the rebasing tool "stamps" calendar items as having been re-based, so subsequent re-runs of the...

Author: atsim1 Date: 03/07/2007

If i ran the tool against a mailbox of a domain admin, whose security acl was not inheriting permissions, thus the send as permission for my mailbox update user was not set - it seems as though no meeting updates were sent out?

Q: If i ran the tool against a mailbox of a domain admin, whose security acl was not inheriting...

Author: atsim1 Date: 03/07/2007

If your event log fills, does that mean the mailboxes did not rebase?

Q: If your event log fills, does that mean the mailboxes did not rebase?A: yes

Author: atsim1 Date: 03/07/2007

The first rebase did not have patch and it send pit meeting requests that were wrong. We are patching the machine and going to re-run the rebase again. Can we suppress the emails being sent and will this fix the appointments without sending emails again?

Q: The first rebase did not have patch and it send pit meeting requests that were wrong. We are...

Author: atsim1 Date: 03/07/2007

Does the Exchange tool recognize disabled accounts/mailboxes?

Q: Does the Exchange tool recognize disabled accounts/mailboxes? Such as a disabled domain account...

Author: atsim1 Date: 03/07/2007

If the client PC is not patched and you are running the rebase tool against Exchange, will this affect anything or does the rebase only work against Exchange and as long as exchange is patch it is okay?

Q: If the client PC is not patched and you are running the rebase tool against Exchange, will this...

Author: atsim1 Date: 03/07/2007

Hi all, my customer rebased their direct booked resource mailboxes without the /suppressall switch by accident. They then ran against the resource mailboxes correctly, but after the user mailboxes were rebased. Will this cause problems?

Q: Hi all, my customer rebased their direct booked resource mailboxes without the /suppressall...

Author: atsim1 Date: 03/07/2007

Is there an easy way or tool or script to determine the calendars that are setup for autoaccept?

Q: is there an easy way or tool or script to determine the calendars that are setup for...

Author: atsim1 Date: 03/07/2007

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