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SQL Server Hands-on Online Performance Tuning

Nytt på MSDN Channel 9: SQL Server Hands-on Online Performance Tuning Tutorial

Denne nye hands-on video serien gir SQL Server DBAs, utviklere og arkitekter nyttig informasjon om hvordan tune Microsoft SQL Server. Videone er demo-tunge og resultatet av faktisk ytelse tuning for reelle kundeproblemer. I tillegg får du mulighet å trene på eksemplene live mens du ser klippene med hjelp av SQL Test Tool som simulerer diverse flaskhalser. Målet med denne nye læringsmetoden er å styrke SQL Server brukere til at realisere ytelsepotensialet i Microsoft SQL Server uten å øke den totale kostneden (TCO).

Serien er på engelsk og noen av temaene som dekkes er:
• Why does SQL Server choose Scan instead of Seek? Also check out the cost based optimizer and see for yourself: It sometimes chooses seek over scan even though the seek is a bit more expensive.
• Did you know, there can be Data Access Latency with AlwaysOn Availability Groups, even with Synchronous-Commit Mode Replica Readable Secondary?
• How about Resource Governor, are you aware that Resource Governor CPU Throttling works for mixed workload only since SQL Server 2016?
• Did you know SQL Server Optimizer doesn't cost CPU overhead related to expanding compressed data? Learn why you should never compress certain tables by checking out the hands-on video Data Compression - Pros and Cons.
• Don't count on the wait time, SQL Server will reset the ASYNC_NETWORK_IO wait time after a threshold.
• Temporary table or table variable? A new twist: After addressing Tempdb Allocation Contention, you will most probably encounter Tempdb Metadata Contention when you are using temporary tables (not when you are using table variables due to Temp Table Caching).
• Compare In-Memory OLTP Memory Optimized Table Variables Vs Disk Based Table Variable with just a few clicks.
• Check out when to use Filtered Statistics and when not to set configuration parameter optimize for ad hoc workloads!
• Concurrent updates and selects from adjacent rows on the same page from many sessions can lead to PAGELATCH_EX and PAGELATCH_SH contention, practice the solution!